What I'm going to tell you here is only to accelerate seeing results early. Its no substitute for putting time and energy and developing yourself fully into TRP principles but may help the beginner navigate the dating scene quickly.


Lifting heavy and with proper form has a lot of benefits. Your posture improves naturally. Your strength improves. Your back is rock solid and long flights dont cause aches. However, building all that muscle takes a lot of time and energy and after the newbie phase where you put on a lot of muscle, progress can be slow.

The highest payback you get is for getting flat abs (not 6-pack), well developed shoulders, chest and biceps. These make you look good in a shirt or t-shirt. The good news is these are small muscles and recover quickly. You can train them everyday until they fill out. Focus on these until you look good in a shirt. Your chest should stand out from your abs. Your shoulders should be rounded so that your clothes hang well on you. There should be little to no space between your sleeve and biceps. Triceps are invariably exercised when you do the above but you can add calves if you expect to be in shorts. Remember that calves are way bigger than all the other muscles mentioned.


Find clothes that hang best on you. Forget about brands, prices, or any other criteria. If you dont have a sense of style, go for a T-shirt and jeans.


Bars If you are comfortable chatting with strangers, find two women sitting at the bar, go right next to them, introduce yourself immediately and say something like: "Hello Ladies, Im no_face. Mind if I sit here?" and without waiting for an answer, sit down and order drinks for all of you. The advantage of 2 girl sets is that they have each other for support and comfort and side conversation and will be less wary of you.

Do not sit next to them and pretend not to be interested. Do not sit one stool away and pretend to nurse your drink for 20m and then clumsily open them. Do not try to engage a busy bartender in conversation (unless he's a personal friend).

You can do the above with single girls too. Note that many could be waiting for a date or friend. You should be OK with it. When you sit next to a single girl and open with something like: "So, how's your day going?", she will say: "Great, Im just waiting for someone". Most of the time, its real. Always say, "Good thing I'm here to keep you company till then".

Ideally, its a girl whose eyes have followed you as you walk in. But in the beginning, you may not be able to choose. Pick anyone.

If there are no girls at a bar, do not start drinking and wait hoping someone will arrive. Dont waste your fucking time, get out and go to a different bar. You should go and approach immediately as a rule. Every moment you waste is better spent on improving yourself elsewhere.

Meetups If you are not comfortable chatting with strangers, avoid bars until you get comfortable. Instead join meetup groups for activities where you can show your skills and status. When you see people repeatedly, lot of the approach anxiety is eliminated.


Do not interact with girls hoping to get something. This is low value. Always interact with people (and girls) trying to give value. This is the best way to cut anxiety.

Don't worry about negging, mind reading, magic tricks, compliance and all the other techniques. If you try to act out a script, beginners will fuck everything up and appear artificial and deceptive. Be focused on being relaxed and enjoying yourself. Your mood will induce the same mood in others around you. Lead her emotions. Feel relaxed to relax her, then desire her to make her desire you. With practice she will mirror your emotions. This is simple but takes lots of practice. Your success is entirely dependent on how relaxed you can be talking to a girl.

If you have no value to give, go into monk mode and grow value. Lead an interesting life. Accomplish stuff. Do it all for yourself in things you are interested in.


Escalation serves two purposes. One is signaling interest. The other is to amplify desire. The signaling part is easy. If you make physical contact and hold it and she does not break it, she is signaling her interest in you. The physical contact should be appropriate for the surroundings. So holding her hand is the safest bet. If she breaks contact, try again after a while, especially when you said something and she reacts positively by laughing etc. If she breaks three times, say "its been great chatting with you" and walk away. Don't ask for her number. Dont say you hope to see her again. She has signaled disinterest and you should respect it.

If she holds contact and if there is sufficient privacy/noise/chaos (dance club/live music), you could escalate by kissing or you could pull her where there is a bit more privacy (a walk, a smoke, etc) You should then make out with her. At any point if she resists but is smiling, you can try again later. Three strikes and you disengage. If she resists and looks uncomfortable even once, disengage immediately. If she does not recoil when you touch her hair/face, its safe to go for the kiss. For beginners only: If in doubt, say "If you keep looking at me like that, I'm gonna have to kiss you". If she continues to look at you, go ahead. If she's not interested in making out, she will laugh nervously, look away and move away. Note that this is a weak/cheesy move but if you are uncertain, it may be useful until you get better at reading women.


The closer you are to your apartment/room, the better your chances of success. "My place is 5mins by Uber, lets check out my art/puppies/music/guitar" is all you need to say. If its a longer drive, you need to keep her attention engaged by an interesting game or conversation. Most of you will probably bore her so best not to drag out this move.

Bitch Management

Always punish disrespect for every infraction and reward good behavior about 50% of the time. The best punishment is withdrawal of affection. Just ignore her for at least 2 days (if living together) or a week if living apart. Then re-engage as if nothing has been wrong.

Breaking up

If she breaks up with you, say "Well, we had a good run. Good Luck". Thats basically it. Do not think of her again. Do not hope she will come back to you. Do not stalk her on facebook. Nothing. Dont waste your time on someone who doesnt want you. If you need to break up, just tell her "I'm breaking up with you". Let her cry if she wishes, you should not budge. If you do, you will lose all respect from her and she will cry to get her way with everything.


A short cheat sheet that gets you started but should not be treated as gospel. Also, dont over analyze everything in there, there are certainly abridgements for the sake of brevity.