Long ago a Jew named Moses became Prince of Egypt because some spoiled Egyptian thot adopted him, and her father was too beta to say no. Moses grew up to became a subversive ungrateful asshole. Not only did he not respect the values of his nation, he also planted revolutionary ideas into the minds of its labour force. Eventually the Egyptians had enough of his bullshit and told him: get the fuck out with all your Jews or we'll kill you.

After escaping the Egyptians, Moses decided to take a 40 day break from his Jews atop mount Sinai. Why? Just imagine a whole tribe of Larry David, and you'll climb mount Sinai real quick. When you get to the top I promise it'll feel like you're communing with God.

Who knows whether Moses spoke with God or just felt as if he did? What we do know is that when Moses got back from his Jew-Vacation, the Jews had Jewed Moses by melting down their Jew Gold and building a Golden Calf. Thus committing the ultimate sin of idolatry.

This triggered Mosses so hard he completely forgot the SJW rhetoric he espoused a few months earlier about Egyptian privilege and inhumane treatment of Jews. In the ultimate act of internalized oppression, Moses went full Egyptian prince and murdered a shit ton of Jews. Then he told everyone to die in the desert, except for the kids who did nothing wrong.

So what can be learned from the timeless story of Exodus? Well if you’re Hitler you’d say: don't let Jews into your country because they'll plague society and leave with your gold. I however have a much deeper more pragmatic lesson for all of you today.

Whenever a group of people gathers or is gathered for the purpose of progress they intrinsically create a counter narrative of regress on account of their shared characteristics. This is all pretty Hegelian , so I'll break it down for you.

The core commonality binding Moses’s Jews wasn't their loyalty to Moses but their shared experience in Egypt. To save the Jews Moses not only needed to take the Jews out of Egypt, but also to take the Egypt out of the Jews. As former slaves the Jews carried with them the seeds of their own destruction. Absent Moses those seeds grew into a full-blown Egyptian idolatry.

The bitter Red Pill here is that an addict is an addict even if he's at rehab. His presence at rehab isn't a guarantee of rehabilitation. Furthermore his exposure to other addicts creates a danger of relapse, as drugs are what bind addicts together. This cynical pattern is present in all forms of rehabilitation. It existed in Moses religious rehabilitation of the Jews. It exists in drug dependency programs. It exists in the correctional system, which has a tendency of making criminals better criminals. Finally the dual narratives of progress and regress are present in Red Pill, which is a rehabilitation program from the Equalist Fagthedral.

The Red Pill is the perfect blend of Alpha and Beta. Our sidebar and Endorsed Contributors will teach you the ins and outs of masculinity. Likewise our sensitive Soy-Boys, Unicorn Hunters, and Sperg Lords are experts at demonstrating what behaviors to avoid. You couldn't possibly ask for more and if you do you'll get a Red Pill Exodus for concern trolling.

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