I have quite the tale of a combination grease fire and garbage fire. This fire is a Blue pill of the highest order, a blue pill on a level that's Sapphire. We'll call him Ronnie. He is a decent guy, good job (60k a year), nice house in a nice neighborhood, and had a nice truck. He has since traded in the truck for a "family Hauler" SUV. He traded it to accommodate his new family. He has a daughter with his ex.

He was in a dead bedroom marriage, his mother lived with his family, and he is an emotional guy. The kind that is quick to tell you what a "MAN" is supposed to be. But really he is just spouting the female imperative that he has been deeply indoctrinated with. A year ago he found his wife texting with a man who recently got out of jail. When I heard that I knew he lost her for good. Apparently, he confronted the guy over facebook and won the battle.

Well, he didn't. A year later he was approached by the sister of the guy his wife was cheating with. She showed him photos, and video of them. She handed the cheating wife over on a silver platter. He then proceeded to start the divorce process. This is where the Blue gets deeper than the ocean. The sister we'll call Sally.

Now, Sally didn't do it out of a sense of moral judgment or innate righteousness. She smelled an opportunity for beta bucks and decided to hop on that train. She and Ronnie are now seriously dating with intent to marry as soon as the divorce papers are signed. Similarly Ronnie's ex wife and Sally's brother are planning to marry after the papers are signed.

Sally has the hallmarks of a bad investment. As Richard Cooper would say "More red flags than a Chinese communist parade" in his videos. First off, she is a single mother of six. Three were given up for adoption. When she "blew the whistle" she was pregnant with #6 just before popping it out and kicking that kiddo to the system. All kids were from different sperm donors.

Sally has had a long bad streak with men. Abusers, drug addicts, men in and out of jail. One of which was murdered, that leads me to believe she is an alpha widow of sorts. Apparently, her oldest has had to pull men off of her when they were being "abusive" with her. Thus it is strongly ingrained in her to seek "Alpha" genetic material. Her view of Ronnie is simply BB. Her oldest has taken a shine to Ronnie. "You are the only guy she has met that I trust" he confided in Ronnie. Now The kid can tell that mom is off her course, but that kid is ruined for life.

She tries to differentiate herself from other women. Sally has multiple tattoos, one of note on her forearm of Captain Spaulding. A horror film character from House of a thousand corpses and the Devils Rejects... Classy. She also dresses in the pinup style. Even with all the caked on makeup, you can tell she is post wall.

Enough about her, on to the relationship dynamic. They started banging after she popped the kid out. Her freak level is off the charts. A month after they started dating, she and the kids moved in. Yes, Ronnie is in full acceptance of pre-planned cuckoldry. A few weeks after they committed to a "relationship" she was trying on wedding dresses. They posted the photos, only to have an en mass reaction of "WHAT THE FUCK" hurled in their direction. Not to mention them dropping hints about planning a child together. In my opinion, she's a clown car, not a woman. Ronnie's mother is trying to sabotage the relationship. Mom's claim on BB is being challenged and Ronnie is knee deep in poon. So guess where he is siding.

Ronnie and I have had conversations about this. He knows all this is wrong. He has even gone to the extent of ending friendships to keep the little voice in his gut from stopping him. There has been no shortage of people trying to tell him it's a bad idea, and she's a bad investment. But sadly he has the Savior/Protector complex in order. He has oneitits and its terminal. Although he has noticed a distinct decrease in sexual activity since she moved in. He caught me off guard with this following statement. "I only really want to know if she loves me, or the idea of me" in reference to his BB. I simply said "You're an ATM" and he said nothing while bowing his head.

I'm going to play forecaster here for HOE-rricane Sally. The sex is going to dry up, like the outskirts of Las Vegas long before nuptials. This is provided she doesn't have an "oops" moment and gets preggo (I'd say the odds at the bookie are 12-1 this will happen). Once she pops out the kid, she will branch swing to another abusive alpha. Leaving Ronnie saddled with 18 years of child support, and an attachment to a whack job. Not to mention half his shit. You can call this Key West wiped off the map. Not to mention the tidal surge coming from Ronnie's ex-wife marrying Sally's brother.

Ronnie is a good friend and confidant of mine, it's painful to see a man carve off his balls with a rusty dull knife. Some kids you have to let them touch the stove before they learn. Best I can do is be on standby with a copy of "The Rational Male" and a bottle of good booze. Meanwhile, I am going to sit by the pool and watch the world burn.

Have a good day gentlemen. Let this lesson further reinforce The Red Pill. As Black Label Logic said "A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down. But to swallow The Red Pill someone has to kick you in the balls"


Edit: This isn't meant for pity. This guy is meant as an example of what not to be. His actions are entirely serving the feminie imperative. So I do not pity the guy, I will hold him accountable. When this flaming wreck cools, if he hasn't punched his ticket we'll investigate the cause. Otherwise he's on his own.