So I have a friend who’s a fitness model. This guy is ripped beyond belief, works really hard to maintain it. He works out about 5 days a week, watches his diet, etc.

He’s been a fitness model for awhile and he looks like the kind of guy who wouldn’t have any problems with women, but he actually does. Quite a big problem.

You see he’s so fit, it actually turns a lot of women off.

He’s constantly meal prepping, and never has cheat days. So when he dates a girl he can’t simply go out to eat dinner at a restaurant unless it fits in his macros, which rarely does

He usually will eat his regular diet of baked chicken, oats and veggies beforehand, and that ends up causing a fight bc he simply cannot enjoy a meal at a restaurant, as he has to look flawless, as it’s his job.

He doesn’t drink, which is always a point of contention with the women he dates bc they constantly want to be partying at bars and clubs, and he goes and drinks water.

Now you’d think the solution would be to date women with the same lifestyle! But alas, this doesn’t seem to work either, as a lot of those fitness model women are simply not feminine enough to date. They seem to be constantly in competition with him, almost like a man would be and no man wants his gf to try and outman him. It’s simply not a turn on

Now don’t get it confused, he can pull women for a lay, but he can’t maintain any semblance of a LTR, bc his lifestyle ends up being too extreme for most women, even attractive ones.

It also pisses him off that these women want him to maintain his physique, but at the same time, get upset at the discipline and sacrifice it takes to maintain it. They want his 6 pack, but get mad when he can’t go to a restaurant and eat and drink 2000+ cal of food multiple times a week.

He also suspects there’s some insecurity on the part of a lot of women with a partner in such good shape, as it makes them have to constantly be at their best, and that’s “hard” Bc we all know women can’t be held to even bare minimum when it comes to effort

Bottom line is lift, and eat right but don’t go overboard, as it can backfire on you.

If you want to get fitness model ripped, be prepared to live that extreme lifestyle with very few LTRs or plates, bc eventually you’ll get people jimmies rustled