If you're here, reading this, taking it all in, there's a high probability that you realised that something wasn't working for you the way you wanted it to. Maybe you were not getting the kind of success with women that you wanted, maybe there were things about them that you just didn't get,or, maybe, you just wanted someone to finally put into words the things you'd always felt but had never taken the time to acknowledge and examine.

Regardless of your reasons, you found TRP and began to devour all its contents. Bit by bit, you began to shed your blue pill indoctrination and to realise just how much the poison of insidious lies had affected your life. No doubt you were immensely grateful for this resource that is dispensed at no charge, but with great effect.

Along the way,however, there arises a fork in the road. You choose, often unconsciously, whether or not the TRP becomes an internalised set of beliefs, or, conversely an indoctrinated dogma.

The man who internalises TRP theory is the one who begins to act with his best interests front and center, one who recognises that fulfilling his mission and serving the purpose he gives himself is paramount. Internalisation leads you to view the world with a red pill lens, navigating past the various BP obstacles that exist to lure you back into the shackles of mental slavery. Indoctrination is the pale and useless cousin of internalisation. Indoctrination keeps you dependent on this forum, limits your scope and, worst of all, turns you even more beta, just a slave to a different sort of dogma.

What separates internalisation and indoctrination is the thing that separates men from boys and winners from losers:action. You can read every single line of valuable text, parse through the hundreds of worthy submissions on this forum--it all means squat if you do not begin to act upon the information presented here. Because above all, TRP represents freedom and thinking for yourself, and freedom only ever comes from acting. Acting imbues TRP in your subconscious, and allows all the best aspects of it to become second nature, and to guide you on your way with an increasing level of skill and mastery. Sans going out and making the effort on a daily basis, you go through a process that's even worse than being a beta; you become a caricature alpha.

The caricature alpha is the manifestation of all the worst traits of a man who is still trying to find his way.He accepts everything he reads wholesale, with nary a recognition of the need for nuance and adapting TRP theory as it suits you and your circumstance. He constantly hamsters as to why he doesn't get results and, ironically, he eventually ends up blaming the very doctrine he viewed as infallible in the first place. This is the guy who feels the need to constantly AMOG everyone around him, rather than relaxing and enjoying his interactions; this guy is constantly worried about how people are apparaising him, what the woman in the corner thinks, if the colour of his drink makes him look manly e.t.c. He repeats all the same mistakes he made with women, only this time the object of his misunderstanding is concpets and theory, rather than a woman. This man somehow becomes even less successful after reading TRP. Basically, this poor imitation of an alpha becomes your typical PUA, all flash and no flame, still trying to decide who he is, or,more likely, have someone do it for him.

Internalising the core of TRP--the lifting, finding your mission, meditation, analysis, ability to be alone, putting women last, leading in his realtionship--leads the man to the fulfillment of objectives that go well beyond the mere satiation of physical lust. You act as a weaving player, capable of engaging the world on it's turf whilst playing by your rules as much as possible. The indoctrinated male cannot do this, because he needs TRP to constantly tell him what he should do next and to validate his actions after the fact.

A key sign of where you are on the internalisation-indoctrination spectrum is how much time you spend here, and how you spend it. Coming back to the forum once in a while to refresh and, optimally, contribute something worthwhile to other men is the ideal. Being around here everyday, constantly hitting refresh on the "new" tab, is a sure sign of a man who is stopping short of the most important part of his journey and not acting.

Walk the path of the alpha.