To start, I have to disconnect ethics from morality. We can keep with the phrase that “sexual strategy is amoral” and yet accept that there are certain ethics – right and wrong conduct – on how to go about things. Alternatively, you could say correct vs incorrect, functional vs dysfunctional or apropos vs inappropriate. Setting aside the particular content of any other philosophy, Red Pill is an exercise in “virtue ethics”. Webster’s defines “virtue” as (among other things):

conformity to a standard of right a beneficial quality or power of a thing manly strength or courage (my emphasis) a capacity to act And as a bonus: chastity especially in a woman

The Wikipedia entry has a good grounding to explain the basics of what it means to live a good life. The key passage is this:

Practical wisdom is an acquired trait that enables its possessor to identify the thing to do in any given situation. Unlike theoretical wisdom, practical reason results in action or decision.

Yes, sure we have a whole Red Pill Theory tag but that really isn’t the point. Red Pill is a practical philosophy not a theoretical one. You can read a million posts but unless you actually get out there and do something, you are not Red Pill.

Getting back to virtues, they are a “practice” or a “habit”. They are things that you do until they become natural. Red Pill virtues include:

  • excellence
  • confidence (in your excellence)
  • independence – financially and emotionally

As a side note, I love to quote “The Tao of Steve”: 1) eliminate desire 2) be awesome in her presence 3) withdraw. Referring to #2, It is on you to be awesome. There is no point in bitching about how Chad cut your grass: you have to be awesome so that never happens again.

But getting back to my main thread: do you engage in a practice or habit of excellence?

Lift, make money, fuck bitches. You have to make a habit out of keeping your body at its best. You have to make a habit out of getting the best financial outcome for yourself. You have to make it a habit to approach, chat up, seduce, and bed those HB8+ girls.

Acquire these virtues and it all becomes second nature.