So I've noticed a common train of thought here (as well as more explicitly on RPW) which is that men have a currency of sorts, commitment, that they can give to a woman, ideally in exchange for sex. A woman has sex and her optimal strategy is to dole it out only when it is securing the man's commitment.

At first glance, it makes perfect sense. Guys want to fuck, girls want commitment. Guys should only give commitment with grade A fucking is on the table, and girls should only give up the goods when the guy is ready to commit emotionally on some level. "Women are the gatekeepers of sex and men are the gatekeepers of commitment" is accepted as dogma on here and RPW.

It is a "fair" idyllic world where guys have a resource and women have a resource. The trade happens, and if both parties uphold their end, this tingly, crazy thing called love might happen.

But is that really the best frame for a guy? Is that an "alpha" frame, a superior frame? Is a trade really what gets you the love and femininity of a top-tier woman?

I would argue, hell no. As a man, you want to keep a firm hold on your commitment and ladle it out sparingly, we all know that. But a true leadership attitude on sex is to view it as YOUR currency as well. If she plays her cards right, she will be the girl to get the dick, rather than that minx at the gym. You hold both resources, sex and commitment. You get sex naturally as a product of you being the highest value guy around when she is out looking for some. From that point on, you gatekeep sex.

You have a great ONS, then she wants to see you again. You agree to let her cook you something, and you fuck her hard afterwards as a good reward, full of passion, emotional connection, and all that shit that you didn't quite get in on the first night of almost violently intense sex. Then, you withdraw sex for the next few days and hook up with someone else - but you send her a text out of the blue, a little validation shot for her and commitment tingle.

You have your thumbs on the commitment AND sex knobs. You take away sex - you make her beg and cry for it until she is dry humping your leg, and then blow her mind. And sometimes when she is busy, you lift her up, no foreplay, and bang her on her desk, with no effort at even making the sex good for her.

This is how to truly train a perfect girlfriend and keep a top tier girl happy. She wants to be taken on a sexual ride - she wants dominance, variety, emotion, and unpredictability - and she sure as shit cannot have that when she is "rationing it out at a rate that keeps you investing emotionally in her".

This idea that women control sex is arbitrary. Only in crippled BP society are men the ones who "constantly want sex" and women the "decision makers who determine who to give it to." Be a decision maker yourself - pretend you have 5000 nuts left in your life, and you will bust them when you qualify the girl and she jumps through your hoops.

I cannot stress this enough - open the gate to sex when she jumps through hoops for you, like little shitty things like her doing your laundry or her just being downright pleasant and feminine beyond how she normally is. Close that gate tight (or rather, open it to other women or at the very least, hint that it is open to other women) if she cannot behave herself.

A man should never fully give his commitment (marriage). It says, no matter what the fuck you do (or who), I am bound to support you and prepared to sacrifice better mates for you. Likewise, a woman should never ever feel that you would fuck her no matter what she did. She should never feel that she can be lazy, get fat, get entitled, get rude and because her pussy game is still tight, you will accept it. And yet, if she feels sex is a resource that she has and you want, then this is what will inevitably happen.

As someone who has been in casual relationships, FWB, , bachelor, LTR with threesomes, etc, I have made a lot of dumb mistakes. I was turned on to RP ideas at age 17. I'm 28 now and I would say, it was only when I was 26 that this started to make sense. But once you see it, there's no other way - every single one of the above scenarios (LTR, fwb, ONS, pickup, etc) is made massively better by viewing yourself as the gatekeeper of sex.

Sex is yours. Always has been, always will be. Because at the end of the day, you need it a lot less than women. You need sex and commitment a hell of a lot less than woman do, and if you don't believe me, hang around people my age (27-31) and they will tell you. For any halfway alpha guy, there is a horde of pre-wall and post-wall women who want your commitment (marriage) and sex (your child). The greatest trick society ever pulled was convincing men that sex was something women give to men and not vice versa.