This is something I caught myself doing earlier. And I figure there's no harm in sharing it with everyone else here.

I said something in conversation at a level that was a little too quiet to be immediately audible. The response from the woman I was addressing was a distinctly harpy "I didn't catch that.... maybe you didn't want me to".

Clearly, I have some work to do there! But it got me thinking.

Whiny, irritating men mutter things under their breath. If you think nobody hears one iota and they're none the wiser - you're deluded. They hear you all right. Maybe not the exact words you said, but they get the message. You're having a whinge.

Cut that shit out, it's omega behaviour.

EDIT: Just to clarify: I wasn't intentionally muttering; I wanted to be heard. But I easily could have been. It hadn't even occurred to me that it was a destructive habit I'd picked up.