Long term MRP poster, I can provide more details in OYS next Thursday, but I’m an attractive guy who works out 4-5 times a week, makes $80k owning multiple business (but only works 30-35 hours a week) live in gf, six kids (blended family obvi). Gf likes threesomes, gets on my bumble account and sets me up on dates, etc

We’ve watched polygamy type shows and she’s always super into the idea, even if she can’t define why. “You should have multiple women, you deserve that, as long as I can be the queen, and I don’t think I want the kids to know.” Fast forward to......

We have a previous side girl, who lives with her new loser bf (no job, they live in a condemned house, etc) that we could hypothetically move into our finished basement with her and her kid.

I guess I’m looking for a biblical justification to this being okay. From a “real world” stand point, she’s truthfully better off living with us as my side piece/second gf than she is with him.

I deeply believed in Christ and salvation when I was younger, but allowed the world to distract me from it. I’m just wondering if there‘s a way I can connect those two parts of my life, without moving to Nevada and joining the Latter Day Saints.


Edit: This is where the side girl currently lives. She has a five year old son and she’s 6 months pregnant.

First video is the house her jobless, ex-druggie boyfriend is trying to “fix up”. Second video is the trailer on property they’re technically “living in”.
