So short summary about myself, basically i'm 25 and i am a University student.(Long summary about my issues) I bought into the red pill about 2 months ago. I've always struggled making dates or maintaining relationships with women. Last spring during a severe physical health crisis I met a girl who i started dating and despite my health, dated me. She was so kind and showed me so much affection like i had never experienced before. Long story short once i recovered fully i sort of became full of myself was a jerk to her and she dumped me. I transferred to my new University last fall and after 4 months of not speaking to her I reached out and we began talking again. I did everything I could to try and win her back without appearing desperate, I exercised and started doing all of these things i never did before. She seemed interested when i'd tell her about the things i was doing. We finally met up for the first time in 8 months in March. We spent the day at the mall and it felt amazing.

However Two weeks later she finally had found a new boyfriend and I was devastated. I felt betrayed i spent almost a year of my life improving for her only for it all to go to waste. I found redpill theory on youtube first and started dwelling into research about it. I was so unbearably angry after researching and thinking to myself how society and everyone lied to me about women. However two things broke me out of it. For one i explained redpill to my grandmother and she got really upset. My grandmother is a very conservative women and i was shocked it pissed her off so much. She got offended when i told her women couldn't love men and only looked to move up. My grandfather was an abusive alcoholic to her in the early half of their relationship and she never left him or moved up because she said she loved him. Eventually she threatened to leave and he gave up drinking. She also told me she knew women who loved men with disabilities which in contrast to everything the redpill theory states.

She cried after i told her i thought she was just a typical lying woman. She told me i sounded brainwashed and sounded nothing like the little boy she helped raise(my mother abandoned me when i was 5) The second thing was , i have a friend who I put off ,who really liked me when i was chasing my ex, I finally asked her out on a date last weekend and she said yes. We went out yesterday and i had a blast getting to know her better, While i think her feelings for me are not what they were i still had a great time and was reminded women can be great. I'm just upset i was so obsessed wth my ex i never gave her a chance sooner. Now the semester is over and she doesn't really seem interested in me romantically anymore(another missed opportunity) While I am detoxing form redpill My thoughts and mood is so back and forth. I feel like i'm detoxing from poison that was in my body for too long. Now while I have rejected redpill, I Have always been conservative and fairly right wing the last few years, and still agree with the positive aspects of redpill, like working out and self improvement. However the female aspect of it is just trash. Does anyone have any concrete advice of how i can move forward in terms of dating? I'm honestly a bit bummed about my ex still. Plus thats the whole reason i swallowed this idiotic theory in the first place.