Guys, as of lately I've come across quite a few concerning posts on this subreddit that honestly makes me question my stance on MGTOW.

When I first discovered MGTOW in the summer of 2018, I was enthralled and captivated to find a community that truly spoke to me and justified that it was okay to defy society's expectations on men and relationships -- nullifying the narrative of how having a relationship is the best possible thing that can happen to you (my parents especially ask me all the time, "when are you going to have a gf, dont you like girls, etc...)

I was honestly going through the biggest wake up call in my life after I met up with a really hot chick and had a fling, but who eventually ended up ghosting me and from where I never truly received clarity from after it ended. I thought, 'Who does she think she fucking is to toy with me whenever she wants' and from there, my friend introduced me to this community, and my interest spiked like never before.

After learning from all my fellow brothers who have bravely shared their personal stories and opinions, I believe that its safe to say this community helped me to empathize with myself rather than feel shame, grow, and learn from my mistakes...which was (and continues to be) a pillar in my life that makes me who I am today and guides my everyday decisions.

However, I never viewed this community as a "fuck women, make money, and all women are fucking retarded" type so much as I did "We are men, society and today's women's values have drastically changed, and therefore, our outlook on how we value ourselves should resemble that of a powerful individual as we combat a growing world which is constantly trying to strip us of what makes us us and what keeps the cogs turning in society -- our undying strength, tenacity, and MASCULINITY.

I am not afraid to say that I love BOTH my mother and my father equally -- although I often do see things common with most women in my mother (nosiness, elevated ego, etc.) -- for they have contributed in making me the man I am today.

And being raised in a traditional background, my mother, unlike most women in America, disagrees with a lot of feminist ideals and PUSHES me to be a stronger man, often saying -- and I quote, "You're not a boy anymore, you're a MAN! And you need to embrace that ESPECIALLY in these times. My son will NOT be a weakling and if your father doesn't teach you then I will!" (Thanks for that motivational speech, mom 😭)

Anyways, MGTOW will always be that to me -- Men Going Their Own Way -- as the title suggests. Why should we care what women think about us outside of this community? It's none of their goddamn business.

Of course, find interesting subject matter to comment on -- that sparks conversation and criticism on modern day women. Things that make us MAD, but allow us to converse and speak about what is wrong with it, then move forward and not give a shit. I learn so much from you guys already. I was on a thread where someone mentioned Briffault's Law and its corollaries, looked it up, and opened another door of knowledge.

But I digress. My brothers, I love you all dearly. I truly learn so much and have grown as male figure with my time on this subreddit. But there is a big difference between being a MGTOW and a filthy, woman-despising incel that has nothing better to do with their lives than hate women for not dating them and for the sake of being women. And I absolutely refuse to fall into the class of the latter. Which is why I will upvote every single photo that exemplifies us going our own way (hiking pics, sick ass cars, success stories, and absolutely can't forget man's best friend -- frickin doggos)

It's time to grow and cultivate the future of masculinity and what little is left of it so that we may teach our sons and grandsons the same unwavering values that make us the true men of today.

It's time to GOOW (Go Our Own Way)

Edit: Incels/PUA/MRA refugees. This subreddit is not about fucking off with women and wishing they went to hell. This is about discovering peace and solace with ourselves as men -- and rightfully so. We are here to help you discover what is within you that you may or not have known existed. Once you find gratitude within, women are a byproduct for your happiness and are rendered unnecessary to your well-being. Please understand that everyone here has the power and capability to break free from the chains of the increasingly feminine agenda in society that aims to dismantle our masculinity that makes us WHO WE ARE. Get angry. Get mad. Converse. Discuss. Argue. Criticize. Vent. That's what we're ALL HERE for! I wouldn't be who I am now if this community didn't plant the seed a while ago. But by ALL MEANS and tenfold, the most important thing to do is to...

Go Your Own Way