I keep hearing this trope repeated over and over, "I prefer an intelligent woman," or "I can't stand to listen to unintelligent women when they talk.."

Putting aside the very obvious point that I've never met a woman I find to be as intelligent as men, and putting aside the fact that you can't have sex with a girl's personality and the boner cares not what she says...

I posit hypothesis redpillschool #53:

#53 The intelligence of a woman is inversely proportional to her looks.

This hypothesis rests on my lesser known postulate of economic forces:

An economic agent will earn the bare minimum required to accomplish its goals.

Now, men are taught from an early age that times always be chagin', so we are to become well versed in a variety of things. Well rounded in every category. And that's good- because if you wanna snag a lady, you're going to have to be well rounded in a variety of places- except your belly.

Even with this in mind, the job market is tough, and the dating market is tougher. You can spend your life becoming the most interesting man in the world, or the strongest guy in the room, but dating and money are still a struggle and takes much effort.

Thus, the improvement of men.

Women, on the other hand, have a looks-based value in this economy. When a woman is attractive, the word "no" is rarely uttered towards her. If she decides not to take up the many men on their offer to throw resources at her for life, she can use her looks for a variety of jobs, many of which will reward her specifically for being attractive. If she complains, the entire office will change everything to appease her.

She will get free drinks at the bar. People will laugh at her jokes, no matter how unfunny. People will want to be near her and associate with her, even if she has nothing interesting to say.

She will only develop traits that she deems are necessary for her progression.

She will be skilled at applying makeup, and will be a master at being coy.

But she will have seen little value in learning how engines work, wondering what happens beyond the moon, or trying an experiment just to see what would happen.

She does not concern herself with these things, for they are the realm of boys and men.

Except one caveat: ugly women do not reap the benefits that attractive women do. They find life to be hard... a struggle.

Ugly women learn quickly they will not be valued on looks, and instead learn to achieve much in the way a man does.

Which is why there are many smart, but ugly, women.

Now, I hear this over and over, "I found the unicorn! I found a smart attractive woman! You're wrong!"

But I think it should be noted that by virtue of these ideas surrounding the women-intelligence hypothesis, we actually judge women on a completely different scale.

When was the last time you thought to yourself, "wow, that girl is really smart?" Think about it for a second. Was it because she said something incredibly brilliant? Or was it because they said something you wouldn't expect a woman to say? Would you have congratulated those words had they been uttered by the mouth of a man?

I find that what amounts to "very smart" in women is nothing more than common sense for men. "Oh," I think, "that's a very apt observation that woman just made, how smart of her- for it is an observation any one of my friends would usually make!"

A woman's relative sexual market value dictates her behavior in the environments she exists in, her attitude, and her choices. This is strictly related. I will likely post in the coming weeks a few ways the effects that environment and relative sexual market value have in varying red pill theories.

Of course, I regularly hear "not all women are like that," and I think a mistake a lot of people make is not taking into consideration relative sexual market value. Yes, women can be dumb, funny, smart, or personable. Yes, women can be friendly or bitchy. These are all things that exist only within the context of her sexual market value and her surroundings. Her past, and her present.

Which is why a lot of women disagree with our theories... because they are solipsistic and think because they don't act that way, others must not- but they don't know to adjust for relative SMV.

Edit: I can hear the hamsters spinning as I type, let me clarify I'm really using the term intelligence here in a broader sense than "can do math" or "memorizes medical procedures." I'm talking about conversational skills, natural inquisitiveness, sense of humor (the ability to land jokes), ingenuity, curiosity, the ability to think logically, solve logical puzzles, see cause and effect. Things that take practice to get good at. More or less, men and ugly women make good engineers.

Edit 2: Again, to clarify I'm talking about actual application of the brainpower you have, not actual intelligence (or potential).