Reading the thread earlier about red flags and not sticking your dick in crazy got me thinking about another somewhat related subject that I've been kicking around for a while.

What is the deal with SJWs/radical feminists and sexual assault? They always seem to have disproportionately higher rates of some kind of sexual grievance. Maybe it's a rape, being folded by a step dad, or whatever, but it almost always begins with something that happened in childhood and they seem to keep experiencing similar things throughout their lives. Why is that? Could it really be as simple as a causal effect, that these repeated incidents are what drove them insane and thus became SJWs/radical feminists?

It's highly unlikely anyone will be sexually assaulted/raped in their lifetime, but these women seem to be magnets for it, if they're to be believed, and all their friends are the same? Hmm.

Why is that? What is about them that seems to make them have all these stories and incidences when most women the worst thing that's happened to them was someone whistling at them after the bars closed one night. There has to be something to this why, real or imagined, they have all of these... stories of how they were raped or were "almost" raped.

I can understand their friends having similar experiences in the sense of "birds of a feather flock together", but it's the above question that really defies explaination. I think if we can answer this we can explain the psyche of SJWs to a large extent, and if my gut instinct is correct, then it's not going to be a clean bill of mental health.