The flirt always has an incredibly pretentious (and false) idea behind it: that of being able to make a girl fall for you no matter what her initial attraction to you is.



Fucking is the easiest thing in the world. Two beings desire each other, one of them (the guy) tries something, makes the heat rise, and the other one answers positively. Attraction to someone is a primitive thing. You know, in less than a second, whether you want to sleep with a girl or not. Even if her personality proves to be perfect (sweet, nice, funny, intelligent...), she will never be able to replace or compensate for our initial lack of desire (ugly girl). At least one basic neutral opinion is needed for personality to carry any weight. The problem is that neutrality is a fuzzy area in sexual desire. Is it possible to have no opinion on the question: "Do you want to have sex with this person? ».


The idea of flirting (which is a kind of display of one's personality) is therefore that our value (physical/status/money/education/personality) is volatile and flexible at will. However, the only variable criterion (in the short term) is personality, but who can believe that it is sufficient to compensate for others? Personality is just the thing that allows the sexual desire (booty call) to turn into something viable in the long term (couple) by compatibility in character/lifestyle. Flirting as the only asset does not allow for sex (blah blah blah blah will never stimulate desire).

The only "flirting" that works is actually what women call "good talk", i.e. pure lying. Lying about one's real worth and only playing on one's personality: inventing a life for yourself, having a fake rolex, renting a luxury car, pretending to be influential in an environment, making unbearable promises, etc. Finally, lie about yourself and your life.


Let's be playful, and let's assume that there is still the possibility of manipulating a woman's desire through flirting. Her attraction to you is not genuine, but fabricated by your fictitious behaviour, which will create unmanageable problems if you want to get into a relationship:

- the chick is at the end of the line, because if she puts personality as the only criterion, it's because she has no other options (single mother?), so you're the spare tire...

- she'll bump you off at the slightest opportunity with a guy she has a real desire for.

- this false attraction must be maintained over time by the game of seduction that conquered the girl. The drag must therefore be constantly renewed and innovated, without respite, to maintain your overvalued value. This is what happens when a guy tries to buy a girl by showering her with gifts, he is a prisoner of his own overestimated value. The day he pays less, it's over.

- when a girl picks a guy just for his personality, the sexual death of the couple is already programmed in. "Yes, but at least he's nice" will never make her want to suck your dick for all that.

- another case, she may just be suffering from princess syndrome (more and more common nowadays) and only wants a lackey who struggles for her without giving anything in return.

- If the dredger, as the only asset, can seduce any girl, any better performing dredger can therefore steal her from you at any time...

Clearly, if you're trying too hard to attract a girl, your days together are already numbered.


Pick-up artists (PUA) are con artists who pretend there is a game, that is to say a set of flirting methods allowing you to pick up any chick with bullshit, regardless of your physical/social/financial/intellectual capital. These "coaches" are in fact advertisers who explain to you that you can sell any shitty product to anyone with a concrete marketing campaign. And they teach you, through the purchase of seminars/ebooks/DVDs, how to do your own advertising to achieve your goals.


We'll take the example of a lonely guy looking to get a girl, going out with a bunch of friends. In real life, it's already dead, but with the game, nothing's impossible. I'll give you the technical terms if you want to google this shit and have a laugh.

  1. The flirt prepares his approach (opener) and then tries to be accepted by the group (social hook point) in which the coveted female is in. So he will usually pretend to be interested in the other people in the group in order to mask his final goal (pecking the girl) and not to get out of the way (cockblocking).
  2. Once accepted in the band (never seen before, like a lone loser will join a group of friends, without pressure), he will then try to prove his value to the girl (demonstrating value) but in a subtle way (he embellishes his false life: travels a lot, plays in a band blah blah blah blah). He takes an interest in her while giving her contradictory signals, i.e. he makes her understand that he is too good for her, more or less badly belittling her (teasing/negging).
  4. As a result, the girl will become interested in him, and will send him signs of interest (IOI: indicators of interest): chewing her lips, stroking her ch..evelure, etc. to try to show him that she's worth something.
  5. Once the girl is comfortable (and therefore already participating in the game), the flirt will raise the temperature and create more and more intimacy with physical contact (kino): touching her shoulder, hand, etc. The chick succumbs directly to so much fingering.
  6. The target is hot and we have to find a way to get her away from the group ("wesh, I'm going to smoke") so that we can either kiss her (kiss close) or get her 06 (number close) and conclude later.
  7. We then find a pretext to go to her (or to your home) and fuck her (fuck close) after having overcome the trap of last minute resistance (LMR), a period when the girl will say no when she feels like it, in order not to be seen as an easy girl.

It's nice, it's clean. The unanswered question always remains the same, where does the girl suddenly get interested in the guy and get into his game of seduction if she was fighting his balls off in the first place?


Several ingredients are needed to keep the machine running (well oiled) and keep the naive hopefuls hopeful to get them to the checkout:

- Make flirting a science, with specific jargon, to imply that there's a lot to learn, that the game is a blast.

- Always blaming the apprentice seducer for his failures. A rejection is systematically synonymous with a mistake made by the flirt since the very premise of the game is that anything is possible. As the flirting depends only on the flirt (but never on the girl being flirted with), everything is controllable, so everything can be improved. Infinite possibility to over-analyze a failed dredge, without ever hypothesizing that the girl might just not get wet when she sees her stupid face (hard to sell something after such a conclusion).

- You're going to get better. As if seduction was a classic skill that could be acquired through repetition and practice (like playing the guitar), as if there was a magical protocol for turning disinterest into desire. Obviously, speaking of progression, you keep the client on the edge of his seat. Because remember, the game is limitless. If you fuck a 5/10, you might hit a 6/10 in a few months, then a 7/10 by polishing up your techniques a bit more.

- You have to hit on lots of girls to be successful. Since all customers are guys who don't get laid (because there's no real value), the best chance of success is to make it in numbers. If a loser hits on 1000 girls, maybe a desperate girl in heat will answer positively. Question of profitability (time + money), we might as well go to whores. Worse yet, if you fuck a girl for every 1000 attempts to pick up a girl, the coach might say "it's working, you're making progress, buddy". The pigeon will then have the hope to fuck one more in the next batch.


The only ones who can benefit from these "techniques" are people who already have a drinkable sex appeal, but are often too anxious to successfully conclude an attraction that is already there. They will simply learn to finally be normal and capitalize on the signals women send them. The rest (the majority of clients) will not have any results since their real value will not have changed.

The explosion of dating sites has damaged the business of seduction, because they are based on pure attraction (everything but personality) which corresponds (in the worst case) to the selective cruelty of reality. In half a second (by seeing a photo), the girl already knows if there is a way or not. If she hesitates, she can go and look at the profile that might match the so-called "personality" (= apparent signs of wealth, for cynics).

Tinder for looks, Attractive World for social status/education, SugarDaddy for money... In all cases, the flirt will never be able to express his "talent" because girls will only accept to be hit on... by guys they like.



You often hear that a woman wants a confident guy. But that confidence is determined by the attraction she already has for him. How can you be confident if a girl tries to avoid conversation and seems disgusted by your mere presence? How can you not be confident if a girl laughs at everything, is friendly, smiling and starts the conversation again by taking an interest in you?

"I like confident guys" just means: I want the guys I like to have the balls to try something because I'll never do it myself, so I don't endanger my oversized yet fragile ego. No more, no less.


In the dating world, almost every rejection (physical or verbal) is called a shit-test. It's never a rake, it's just a negative/hostile attitude towards you to test your reaction/masculinity. The premise of this theory is that if you pass these "tests", you stay in the game, otherwise it will lose interest in you. Always ask yourself: what would she do with Cristiano Ronaldo? Do you think a girl is going to risk missing her chance with a guy like that by acting like an asshole to "test" him? Or will she, on the contrary, be as pleasant, feminine and submissive as possible with him?

An interested girl will actually do everything to make it easier for you (insistent glances, make sure she is alone with you, invites you to her home, initiates physical contact, etc.). An uninterested chick will have rejected you before you have even had a chance to try anything, through her body and verbal language. Some guys, however, have a negative emotional quotient (rare among girls, even the dumbest one always has a surprising ability to manipulate) and will never pick up the clear signals that mean "get out".

A guy who behaves perfectly normally with an interested girl will be able to close without a dumb game and will never hear about the shit-tests. That's how all normal couples are formed.


If an ugly girl ignores you, will you suddenly feel like fucking her or on the contrary will you be happy that she finally leaves your sight? For a girl it's the same. Ignoring a girl can actually increase her attraction if she was already interested (because you want more of what you can't seem to get... but you still have to want it in the first place).

Worse yet, if a girl hesitates about you, ignoring her will just ruin your chances: why would she get involved with a guy she doesn't really like and who doesn't give a shit about her? While showing her that you're interested can on the contrary flatter her and reinforce her attraction for you (it's always nice to feel desired by someone you like, even moderately). Only 10/10 guys can afford to ignore girls and further increase their value by reinforcing their "unreachable guy" image.


This is the best one. Unless you're in the top 5% of guys, no one's gonna be chasing you. Women are the employers, we're the employees. L.A. plus five or not, you apply and interview like everyone else. Women get lots of resumes, and you wait for someone to call you back (with signs of interest). It is from this female sexual superiority (they choose) that the double standard regarding the right to sleep (slut vs. Don Juan) logically follows.

Flirt sites explain that you can approach a girl on the street by being the price... Any female with half a brain understands that a guy who picks up a girl on the street is a loser. What civilized person in the 21st century tries to "seduce" a complete stranger under a bus stop? So you are instantly associated in her mind with all the animals she feels (rightly) stalked by every time she sets foot outside.


According to the theory, if you show too much interest (being needy, in the jargon), the girl will detach herself from you. It's as if a woman who really wants to sleep with you is going to suddenly dump you because you answered her text message in less than 15 minutes, especially in a world where everyone is glued to their phones 24 hours a day.

Brad Pitt is so needy you know, he wants to see me two nights in a row. I'm gonna friendzon him.

Be careful though, there is showing interest and being absolutely desperate. To be in a doggy mood to the point of chasing the chick 5 times in half an hour when she hasn't answered just proves that you have psychological problems.

t's possible to go on for hours like this. All these techniques do not allow to seduce but to conclude or maintain an attraction already present. Basically, if you're in a couple, the less difference in value between you and her, the more game it will take to maintain the attraction and the more she'll shit-test you to confirm that you're the right one. If you're intrinsically superior to her, her hypergamy is fulfilled, she'll never do better and she knows it: you'll have a feminine, pleasant and docile woman.

Sorry for my bad English, I hope my ideas can still be understood.