In group situations when the guys collectively do not like me, I'll try A&A and get a "boo", "lame", head shakes, etc. like A&A is yesterday's news. My frame of mind is I'm not their fucking entertainment so them enjoying my response is their problem.

Some women downplay my frame and A&A when they give me disrespect. Example:

Them: "Everyone says you're an asshole"

Me: "Yeah I'm the worst"

Them: "That's nice"

My only comeback from them putting me down is to give them shit back (not nuclear shit, just calling them out) but some women take it as an opportunity to write me off as a bitter social retard. At this point it's like playing chess with a pigeon. The pigeon shitting all over my board and acting like it won. From here I know their bitch shields are on prime lock-down and there's probably no chance so I move on. (what pisses me off the most is even the chubsters do this! delusional)

So with these two cases, when male dominated groups who don't like you, and women who put down your A&A attempts, what else can I do besides give them shit back (when that doesn't work) and ignoring them/walking away?