Wondering where I saw this horribly misandrist and violent saying? It was at work earlier when I was putting away new magazines and among the new magazines was a commorative Time magazine looking back on 2022, and on the front cover was an image of the Roe v Wade protests and a protestor holding a sign that said this. I wish I was joking. This goes to show how incredibly petty and vengeful feminists are towards men and how anti-male sexism is seen as perfectly fine and not a problem despite it being every bit as bad as the other way around. I don't agree with Roe v Wade being overturned at all and think it's a blatant infringement on the rights of women, but come on, blatantly wishing harm and in such a horrible way against men? It reminded me of when that stupid "#ARightMenShouldLose" hashtag was trending following the ban. Do these people forget there's many anti-abortion women who also fully support the ban? The image also showed another protestor with a sign saying that men against abortion should be neutered. Nice way to keep things civil there /sarcasm.

I'm so sick and tired of sexism against men and violence against men being overlooked or outright ignored. It's every bit as bad as when it's against women. Plus it's so worrying when impressionable young boys see this sort of thing. Just imagine the uproar if a male protester held up a sign saying something equally disgusting like "off with their tits," which would be every bit as disgusting and wrong.