My LTR seems overwhelmed and like he's out of energy to lead our relationship because he gives himself to everyone else. He also definitely feels like he needs to take care of everyone else - and I would never tell him otherwise because the bulk of that is work (lawyer), parents, kids (from a previous marriage), and his friends (which is a big escape from stress for him). How do you support a man in this position? How do you cope with the lack of attention? Because man... This is the part that's hardest for me. He cares for me, makes sure I am safe, and says I am a blessing to his life. he feels very strongly that these other areas are his priority. If I ask him how I can be a support, he says he just needs me to understand. So I have an overwhelmed leader who doesn't want his woman to help. What the frick do you do?

I have read Love & Respect and Empowered Wife and I am good about 90% of the time. But then I get discouraged and try to fix it. And good lord eventually I will learn that he does not like when I do that. So I need some advanced tools. Where are my ladies who have been in relationships for a long time? I would say we are shifting from young love to the depths of mature love. And I remember my grandma telling me.... There were years (plural) where she didn't feel as close to her husband as others.... but she said it always came back around. But grandma is not here anymore to tell me how she endured it!

The goal is to create a game plan for myself to keep this relationship together while he is in this phase of life.