Context: In another sub, there was a debate about why men don’t want to commit to older women who slept around in their 20s - but is now seeking commitment from the same men she previously rejected (or would have rejected) now that they are post-wall.

So, to the meat of the matter.

A woman commented this and two other women agreed with her by saying this and this respectively.

Beta buxx should not be complaining that they have to trade resources to lock down a woman.

What this woman is saying is that good men should be grateful for the opportunity to pay to take her on dates, wait 3 months for sex, and then sign a document granting her legal rights to half his assets, even though the previous 40+ men that screwed her did so within an hour of meeting her, and without ever having to take her out on a single date.

It’s analogous to saying that not only is it acceptable for there to be a used car on the market with 200k miles going for full retail price of $40,000 (although the previous 49 buyers bought it for only $400) — but also that the new potential (50th!) buyer should enthusiastically jump at the chance to do so.

Sweet Jesus, their entitlement knows no bounds.

The men she was sleeping with had sexual value, while the older, more beta guy does not

Additionally, the fact that she claims that the attractive men she previously screwed in her 20s have sexual value while the man she settles for in her 30s does not — proves our suspicions that the good men are only seen as non sexual entities to be exploited for financial purposes.

It proves our suspicions that good men are indeed secretly resented by their wives and explains the reason why the enthusiastic pornstar sex given to the men in her 20s is replaced by the pity starfish sex given to her husband. It also explains the rampant rate of female cheating and why they initiate so many divorces (independent of the financial incentives to do so)

Going by the logic of her comment, as well as the blatant disparity in the quality of sex given to perceived alphas vs perceived betas, it stands to reason that she believes that an hour of playtime with an alpha is worth more than a lifetime of commitment of time and resources given to her by a beta male.

And they wonder where all the good men are.

The lessons I learned from this were:

  1. Never get married. Instead, amass your wealth, live a happy single life with the occasional FWB or just go your own way.

  2. If you do decide to get married, choose a woman aged 20-25, so you at least get to enjoy most of her youthful prime - and only if she agrees to sign a prenup.

  3. Women enjoy being a pump and dump and actively help other women pursue this degeneracy rather than healthy, long lasting relationships with Good Men as shown by the woman who posted the comment in the OP.