Over the past year in which I have been actively lurking, learning, and posting on this sub, I have noticed that there are a few common problems guys are dealing with:

  • Failing to approach more women
  • Being stuck/controlled in LTR's
  • Not being able to reach their heights of power and dominance as men
  • Looking for proper maintenance advice for their so-called unicorn

To all those problems, there's one recurring theme going on in the advice given: Scarcity Mentality

However, I have not read advice given on what exactly scarcity mentality is. Where does it come from? How does it manifest exactly? So I'm here to give you a different perspective on this topic.

Scarcity mentality is your subconscious telling you there's something lacking in you

Not asking for a promotion, mate-guarding, lack of courage to approach groups of people and women, not standing your ground, and a whole other things come from scarcity mentality. Why? Because your brain is telling you "Look, I have done a quick rundown of your qualities, assets, goods and bads, and I have come to the conclusion that you cannot come on top in situation X, so DON'T FUCKING DO IT". That's how it manifests. So, when you are in a situation like this, don't say to yourself* I have to overcome this mentality, but rather try to ask yourself What do I have going on for myself that makes me have this mentality*?. You might find that your finances are low, you're not in top shape, your social skills are lacking. Let's take a few examples:

Your girlfriend is bossing you around and generally being a bitch, but yet, you accept that, and are still with her. You want to get out of the relationship but you can't, and you're stuck. Your brain told you "You don't have enough value to be desired by a lot of women, so our chances of mating if breaking up are low. Best decision - put up with her shit."

You want a raise, but you don't ask for it. You work hard, but you don't have the balls to ask. Your brain tells you "Look, you don't have proper frame to stand your ground in front of your boss, and maybe you'll piss him off and you'll get fired. Chances are you'll limp your way into getting another job because of your weakness in character. Our better odds here? Shut up and work for what's given to you."

The Cure: Work hard on the areas your brain is analyzing

Aka all of them. It has been said time and time again. But pick up heavy shit and put it down. Manage your finances better. Read a goddamn book. Think about it as if you're in a game. Improve your character's statuses and you'll be able to defeat bigger bosses (women's bullshit, money problems, poor sex life, poor health etc). The moment you do that your brain will say "Fuck, the dude is getting higher and higher. Why the fuck should I tell him not to approach that hot chick/not ask for a promotion/not buy that nice car? The odds are with us!". It's a long road, but well worth it.

Shortcuts won't cut it

There are indeed ways to overwrite what your brain is saying. Like just going for shit that you want. But just like the parallel I did with the game character, if you're level 10 and you want to beat a level 100 boss, you most probably will fail miserably and not even stand a chance. Ergo, the pain you'll feel will be much greater when in reality, you go against your gut instinct and a girl rejects you. That's why you feel so much pain.

However, if you're level 99 and the boss beats you by 10hp, you're like "well, it's not that much, just a bit more advancing and I'll defeat it. I won't sweat this loss." And after you've reached a certain level and you defeat all the bosses, scarcity mentality goes away.


Guys, listen to what your brain/gut is telling you. Your mind is your loyal servant, and a great analyzer of your status. Take notice of what it tells you, and move forward from there. Always look to better yourself, and you'll be unstoppable.

May you never be the same again.