I don't think many people here in TRP, and specially in askTRP truly understand the meaning of a shit-test. Most of the times when they think they won they actually lost.

A classical example is the "girls night out" or the "meeting a friend for lunch".

Doesn't really matter what YOU do. If she pulls through with it, you lost.

Most guys will advocate to show that you don't really care. Then the girl comes back, you fuck her and she starts acting submissive.

They forget that: If you stay in a relationship with her, after she pulls through with her "threat", that means YOU lost. She pushed a boundarie, and you showed that you can be controled, with sex most of the times.

The only way that you truly "win" a shit-test is if she doesn't pull though with her threat. Then, she tried to push a boundarie, you proved you didn't really care, and SHE showed YOU that she was bluffing.

The funny thing about TRP is that, most of the advice given here can be summed up with: Don't show that you are more emotionally attached to her than the opposite, or, even better, don't BE more invested in the relationship than her.

This is why, if you actually want to be in a LTR. You have to screen for red-flags like a maniac. I know this sounds like bad advice, but... It WILL save you time and frustration in the future.

I said it a lot of times here in TRP, and I'll say it again: Some shit-test are not actually "tests" in the sense that they offer an exact answer, that you can pass. Sometimes (most of the times) shit-tests are unpassable, you can easily identify those, because it will mean that "your" girl as succeeded in pushing a boundary in the relationship. It doen't matter if you pretend to be the one holding power, your actions will prove otherwise.