
Hello gentlemen, we know that women's SMV has been exaggerated, thanks to feminism. As a result, men's average SMV value has decreased in the eye of millennial girls. Consider your typical AFC. This man has "nice guy syndrome," plays video games a lot, is fat, and does not have much success with the ladies. On the other hand, those who have started or are progressing through RP are lifting three or more times a week (hopefully), are cold approaching women, are fixing their diet, meditating, expanding their social circle, etc. We focus on "realz over feelz." Our mission is simple: to maximize sexual strategy while simultaneously building a better lifestyle. In RP, we believe that we are the shit, because we really are. We are kings, because we act like one (Law 34). We aim for high SMV women because we deserve what we work for (our body, our lifestyle, our status, etc), and nothing less. There is one thing that we should keep in hindsight, as it will guide us towards girls who are truly attracted to us. And that is: IOIs.


Importance of Indicators of Interests  

There seems to be a paradox: feminism has decreased our SMV in the SMP but at the same time we aim for women with high SMV. How can we find a loophole? Well, it's actually pretty simple. Mark Manson suggests the "investment paradox," but I beg to differ. Instead of implementing the "investment paradox," why don't you target girls who give you indicators of interest AND are hot? Look for the obvious indicators, the brushing of their hair, strong eye contact (very common), touching you (not common, but obvious IOI), standing close to you (wants to be approached by you), etc. I will go ahead and call this the "SMV paradox." You have to pay close attention to details though, because women will not (99% of the time) express interest in you through words alone. They express it primarily through their actions. You have to pay attention to details and spot the girls who are already showing the interest.


Where PUA Fails  

PUA is looked down upon for one primary reason. It fails to emphasize how important indicators of interest are. PUA is good at teaching you HOW to approach women, not WHO to approach. The WHO is more important than HOW. Any decent SMV man won't have trouble getting a girl's number from his looks alone. So keep in mind, one must aim high but reel in fish that are already biting on the line. You can change the bait (change up your game), but in the end you are attempting to catch the best possible fish.



Keep in mind the importance of indicators of interest. Approach women with high SMV (within reason) that show indicators of interest. Lift and maximize your looks. Improve your communication skills by approaching people (both men and women) and initiating conversations. Look into PUA to learn HOW to approach women, not WHO to approach.