"I think we need to redefine date night to any time we leave the house with less than 50% of our children."
I saw things going off the rails as early as 2011 and sought therapy. She went once and said the therapist - who talked against me most of the session by my own admissions - said one thing that could be taken as critical of her.
2008 - shotgun wedding
2014 - we had twins. Rescue babies, in a sense but not really because I don't think she knew there was a problem that wasn't my fault.
2017 - steadfast refusal to go to therapy by her - because i'm the problem and if I'm gone she has no problems.
Wasted so many years.
[–]Gattsama 2 points3 points4 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]pegleg_legal[S] 1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link