In Part I, I told you my story. I focused on my developmental years because those are so important for the development of boys and young men. It's my hope that boys and young men will learn from my experiences, so as to avoid the pitfalls I fell into.

Here's what I hope you take away from it.

1) Women need the steadying hand and calming influence of men in their lives, from their earliest memories until their old age. My maternal grandmother was a widow at 44. My paternal grandmother was a widow at 56. They were always strong willed women, capable, intelligent, and resourceful. But they were miserably unhappy. They had to do it all themselves.

In men, doing it yourself leads to character building. In women, doing it all yourself leads to misery, dysfunction, lack of control, emotional dysregulation, insufferability, personality disorders, substance abuse/addiction, and social isolation.

And women can't seem to avoid visiting all those problems on all the people around them. Women like this create sons and daughters with personality disorders, addictions, emotional dysregulation, and dysfunction.

It's not a stretch to think that if their husbands had survived into adulthood and old age with them, my grandmothers might have had happier middle age years. And their husbands might have been able to stop them from inflicting themselves on their children as they did.

2) Dysfunction, volcanic emotional outbursts, Cluster B personality disorders, and overall bitchiness ARE NOT NORMAL. This is NOT "just how women are". AWALT is hypergamy and a tendency to "think emotionally". AWALT is NOT "all women are mentally ill, borderline insane, emotionally unstable, prescription pill addicts who try to run every aspect of your life." That is not normal. That is mentally ill. And you need to recognize that for what it is.

The people in your life who are like this are sick. They are not well. And it is not normal. At the very least you need to not listen to anything they tell you about human nature and sexual nature.

3) Pay attention to what people around you are actually doing, not what the adults in your life say about what they are doing. Do not listen to what others say about what they're doing. Hell, don't listen to what I say about what they're doing. Read. Think. Watch. Observe. Draw your own conclusions. Apply the principles you learn here and at The Red Pill and at WAATGM for yourself.

4) Do not take advice from women about anything. Whatever your mother says about women? Do the opposite. Mom has no actionable advice for you. Women have no actionable advice for you, at all, about much of anything. That's not just women or sex. That's friends, leisure time, school, studies, human interaction, and life.

5) Find older boys and men who are doing what you want to do or have what you want, and emulate them. Do not emulate women. The way boys learn to be men is by watching older boys and men, being men. Find men who have succeeded. Learn what they learned. Watch what they do, and do likewise. Find your own style of course. But if someone has something you have, or accomplished something you want to accomplish, odds are he has something you could learn. So watch and learn.

6) Learn and understand human sexual nature: your own, and that of women. By the time you get out of high school you need to have a good understanding of this. The only way you will learn it is by experiencing it for yourself. To experience it you need to get out there and date and ask and fail and succeed and fuck and get shot down and get rejected and get laid.

7) Women have their own reasons for doing what they do, and they are as self interested as you are. Women do NOT just want to be wives and mommies. When they're in high school or college or in their 20s, or off a bad marriage, they want to have fun. Sometimes girls want to get serious. Sometimes they just want "a boyfriend". Sometimes they're looking for husbands. But most of the time at that young age they're looking for fun guys to have fun with, and sometimes that means using sex to cap off a few hours of fun. Sometimes a girl just wants to get laid and she wants you to take care of that for her.

Women don't need commitment or love before they'll fuck you. They don't need an "emotional connection". Shit, they don't even need to know your name or much of anything about you. They just need to feel attraction and comfort. That's it. You don't have to offer them commitment or emotional attachment. If a woman is demanding those things from you before she'll fuck, she's not sexually attracted to you. She's demanding a surplus of comfort in the form of your commitment and resources to make up for her lack of sexual attraction.

The point is, girls have sex drives. And they want to fuck too. Girls and young women enjoy sex very, very much. They want to have sex. Some of them will want to have sex with you. That is normal. It does NOT mean you are bad or evil or sick or perverted. It does NOT (necessarily) mean the girls are slutty, crazy, stupid, or damaged. Some are. But most are not.

Which leads to my next point, which is

8) Women are capable of far more sexual activity - and depravity - than most men are. Get alone with a woman who really wants to fuck you, and you will see a side of her you didn't know existed. She won't be able to control herself. She'll let you do almost anything you want to her. She'll be capable of having so much sex she'll be sore for a day afterwards.

Don't believe women when they say they don't like sucking dick. Most women do enjoy it -- IF they are attracted to you. Women very, very much want sex with attractive men. A woman's sex drive when with an attractive man will easily outlast that man's sexual endurance.

Don't believe women when they say they really aren't all that into the act of intercourse. They like it very much - IF they are attracted to you. Women do enjoy their clitoral orgasms, but sometimes they just like being penetrated.

Women will say they aren't all that into sex, or intercourse, or head, when they're with or around men they're not sexually attracted to. If you're a guy who fucks, and she's attracted to you, she will have no compunction at all about having sex with you. This was true 35 years ago when I was going through it in The Time Before The Internet, and it's true today.

9) Your sex drive is not bad or evil. It is normal and you should embrace it. That does not mean you should not harness your sex drive. But it does mean that you are not bad, evil, sick, perverted or criminal simply because you want to have sex with women. You wanting to have sex with women, lots of sex with lots of women, is perfectly normal. Ignore anyone who tells you otherwise.

10) Avoid never-married women around age 30, unless you yourself want to marry. If a woman like this is expressing interest in you, most likely, she is looking to marry. If a woman has made it to 30 without marrying, something went wrong somewhere. She was either too ugly, too fat, too bitchy, too crazy, or too busy.

A woman like this expressing interest in you means she's marked you for potential commitment. She will press you HARD for commitment. She will give up sex rapidly in the hopes of locking you down. DON'T DO IT.

11) It's not enough to be funny, nice, Godly, and have a good job. If that's all you've got going for you, you'll make a fine employee and good friend. But you will not attract women and you will not be attractive to women. If you somehow manage to attract a woman you will be unable to maintain it. If by some happenstance a woman consents to be with you, you'll be completely unable to manage any relationship at all with her.

12) Marriage is a total crapshoot, no matter how attractive, smart, or Red-Pill aware you are. The only reason, and I mean the ONLY reason, I am still married is because I'm really lucky. My wife has some semblance of character and sense of duty to her family and children. She isn't completely batshit. And, well, to be honest, she has just chosen not to blow it all up.... YET. If she decides to blow it up tomorrow, next week, next year, 5 years from now, there's not a damn thing I can do about that. So don't get married.