I can't fix my mind on my own

I've been in rehab and I've been in mental institutions and I've been in therapy and I just don't know why I'm holding onto resentment.

My weed and alcohol use has gotten very bad and I didn't realize it until after about four years.

After a bad breakup I just got tired of being me and I realized that I have completely did a 180 in my personality and the red pill did not help with this aspect.

I could have had a car with all the money I spent on Wade but being high and drunk is the only place where I feel happy without negative thoughts interrupting it.

I don't want to give that up because it's the only Safe Haven I have. I suspect that my mind could realign a little bit better if I quit but that won't fix the damage and that won't make all the arguments and the frustrations go away.

I don't feel like anyone owes me but I do feel like I owe a lot of people some pain and frustration the way they did me, I'm pretty sure most of my family is either scared of me or hates me which was my goal in the beginning but now I hate it because now I realize that they're not going to get on their knees and apologize no matter how much I hurt them

No matter how hard I worked or no matter how much of the model son I tried to be I can never Escape shame

I don't feel like a person and I don't want to be a person anymore I just want to die