I told her parents yesterday. She was out of town for this saturday so I didnt have to meet her.

I was really scared but I did it

Her parents were rly confused by why I even came to their house, and the shock they had on their face when I said "(her name) is molesting me." was unreal lol

I showed them the audio recording and explained the usual formula of our meetings. They ammediately started comforting me (wich surprised me tbh but it did make me feel nice)

I haven't told my parents yet. I'm scared that they'll find out from her parents but at least I wouldnt have to start the conversation.

This morning she came back home from her friends sleepover, but surprisingly she only texted me just now.

This is what she's saying (translated)

"I fucking hate you you pussy"

"you're not gonna say anything?"

"I can't beleive I even liked you. I wished we could be together but you keep ruining shit."

I'm happy that she hates me yk. At least I won't have to get hurt anymore. I feel sick when I think about her.