Been lurking here for a few months, this is my first post.

I have been implementing red pill ideology since I stumbled onto TRP via nofap. This is the first time I post since all my questions have so far been answered by others FR and questions on AskMrp.

Yesterday a poster had his goodbuy to reddit relationships posted and you could read all his postings there since he first started posting there a year ago. I believe that his situation as posted is not unique with maybe slight variances between most of the guys that on MRP.

His post however got me thinking about the differences between people that post on relationships and guys that eventually join and start implementing red pill.

On relationships, and blue pill, guys post there looking for sympathy. They act not so much like beta's, but in my opinion more like woman. Just looking for a place to vent and cry, not really looking for advice. The advice given is in anyways shit, and nearly always go back to something in the likes of more therapy, more choreplay, more packing the guilt on the other party, more not taking responsibility. It is in actual fact one big fucking pitty party and a lot of boo-hoo's.

In contrast you get MRP. No nice guy touchy feely bulshit. Here you get it straight. Most guys think that they can come here and find solutions for a lackluster sexlife. But this sub is not about sex, or about your shitty relationships. This sub is purely about yourself as a man. There is a lot of talk especially from newer guys about alpha. This is also not what this sub is about. This sub, if understood correctly is purely about evolving into the best man you can be. Be the fittest, work the hardest, soldier on everyday without expecting help or sympathy. If you take the advice here to heart and lift, and read, and improve to your honest best, then SMV wouldn't matter. Actually nothing in your marriage would matter because is would just resolve itself.

This is what this sub is about new guys. Don't expect your wife to start blowing you because you think you are the alpha male. If you keep on improving in all the aspects of your life that the lifting and the reading will lead you to, then she will blow you, and fuck you silly, and be submissive. And if she doesn't, then you have the choice to make to moan about it on relationships, or man up and improve more so that you have other options.

Thanks MRP, I am slowly becoming the man that 10 year old me wanted to be. That guy that just fucks along his own path doing his own thing. The rest is taking care of itself.