Two weeks ago i got blisters on my dick after having my first unprotected sex session with a current plate. I’ve been seing this plate for a while, we always used condoms, but she started on the pill and i felt i could trust her enough to try it out raw for once. Literally got the blisters two days after lmao. Well it’s type 1, which is the most common one, mostly associated with oral herpes, but could also be on genitals. She has sucked me off numerous times so it’s also very likely it’s from that. My first ever STD.

I obviously told the plate after i visited the doc. She was very surprised, told me she had never had an std and that she had no signs of symptoms of anything. I’ve read about it, and my doc also confirmed that most people have the virus without outbreaks and won’t even know they have it, but there’s always a risk of spreading it. There was no drama between me and the plate, and i didn’t blame her, i don’t think she knew she had it honestly. It’s an extremely common STD that a lot of people have, and it’s not dangerous even if it’s contagious. My sores have healed already and i’m fine now, not even two weeks after.

The downside is the virus is always there, and there’s a risk of spreading it, even with a condom. The risk is low when there’s no outbreak, but it’s still there. The law differs from regions, but in my country (in europe) there are actually no laws saying i’m obligated to tell any partners that I have herpes. So no partner can get me in trouble if i don’t say i have the virus before having sex with them. But obviously, there’s a moral dilemma to all of this. Aren’t you the worst fucking douche in the world if you fuck a girl when you knowingly have herpes without telling her? I could always lie and say i don’t have it, if she gets it and asks me, but still.. It could be disastrous for your SMV if a girl gets furious about it and spreads that shit about you giving her herpes. When i think about it, i’ve never had a girl tell me she has herpes ever, and i’ve slept with 21 girls as of now. Maybe a lot of them were just lying, and i was lucky?

How the FUCK do you remain frame and play the RP life, if you have that shit hanging over you? The plate is fine with it, since she likely already has it, but i’m trying to have abundance and see other girls. Needless to say, having to pull the «i have herpes btw» card before you sleep with a girl will not result in me getting laid often, so what the fuck am i supposed to do here? Surely there has to be some people here who also got the virus? What do you do? I’ve never seen this discussed in here...