All right. So I thought this might be good fun.

So to start off with - I am talking about the Nice guy (TM) that obviously exists. So please don't come into this post and start pulling the "No true scotsman" fallacy by talking about how a "Genuinely nice guy" would act. I'm not talking about whoever you mean by that. I'll use women as an example of SJWs.

Anyhow, let's go. My main hypothesis about the nice guy - AND the SJW, is the following: They are both characterized by a very low score on the personality trait Agreeableness.

Agreeableness consists of six facets:


Trust is a defining feature of psychosocial development, personality theory, and folk psychological conceptions of personality.[18] Individuals who score high on this facet generally believe others' intentions to be benevolent. Those scoring low on this facet tend to be cynical and view others as suspicious, dishonest, or dangerous.

The Nice Guy:

The Nice Guy inherently distrusts women, claiming they say they lie about their preferences - wanting assholes while claiming to want nice men. He suspects malicious intent and feels used when his feelings are not reciprocated - what may have been a genuine expression of friendship from the woman in question is interpreted as "leading him on".

The SJW:

The SJW likewise greatly distrusts the opposite sex to the point of suspecting that most if not all things said by anyone defined as the "other" has a hidden agenda. In gender relations she suspects that the "real agenda" is victim blaming, enforcing patriarchy or rape culture when people are having regular discussions. In online discussions any sentiment not 100% supportive of her narrative is judged as "Concern trolling". The logical conclusion of this paranoia is no-platforming. If a guy struggles with women and talks about it - the SJW immediately suspects that he must be a misogynistic "nice guy" even if no evidence of this is apparent.


Straightforwardness is the quality of directness and honesty in communicating with others. Despite a long history in moral philosophy, straightforwardness is not as vital to personality theory as the other facets of agreeableness.[18] Those scoring high on straightforwardness tend to interact with others in a direct and honest manner. Low scorers are less direct, tend to be high in self-monitoring, and are generally deceitful or manipulative. Although the two concepts are not identical, those who score low on this facet tend to be high in Machiavellianism.[19] Straightforwardness is similar to a dimension in the Interpersonal circumplex called "Ingenuous versus calculating."[18] According to Michael C. Ashton and Kibeom Lee, straightforwardness is similar to the honesty aspect of honesty-humility in the HEXACO Model.[

The Nice guy:

Not being straightforward is pretty much the defining trait of the nice guy. He befriends women with the intention of displaying good traits that the woman will fall for. To a varying extent, every social action is a means to an end for the "nice guy" - and his low trust makes him suspect exactly the same for others. The fact that he self-monitors to such a high degree makes him very aware of his own "Niceness" - unlike other people who do nice things because they feel like it in the moment.

The SJW:

The SJW utilizes the role of a victim in order to manipulate others, sometimes deliberately faking harassment against herself in order to gain attention or status. The contradictions in the ideologies the SJWs utilize symbolize this lack of honesty and consistency, and the tendancy of SJWs to deliberately misrepresent those they disagree with likewise. The SJW cunningly uses terms like "Fragile masculinity" and "Male tears" to attack men for not adhering to traditional male gender roles while at the same time claiming to fight against toxic masculinity. Other famous contradictions of dishonesty: Feminism is about equality, but at the same time it's not the responsibility of feminists to fight for male issues. However, if you want to fight for male issues, you must do so within the framework of feminism.


Similar to altruism in animals and ethical altruism), this facet is defined by measures of selflessness, self-sacrifice, generosity, and consideration, courtesy, and concern for others.[18] Altruism is similar to Alfred Adler's concept of social interest, which is a tendency to direct one's actions toward the betterment of society.[21] Individuals who score low on Altruism tend to be discourteous, selfish, or greedy, a pattern of behaviors known as "self-interest" in Adlerian psychology.

The Nice guy:

A lack of actual altruism is the paradoxical trait of the nice guy which also explains why he chooses to define himself as such. The "Nice guy" is in fact the polar opposite of the doormat guy. Where the doormat guy naturally has a need to prioritize others above himself and has a very hard time saying "no" - it's the complete opposite for the "nice guy". The nice guy's focus on self-interest leads him to have a transaction view of actions. If he does something nice and does not get something else back in return - he feels cheated. Selfless actions have very little intrinsic value to him, and he feels like he is "giving something" that requires energy each time he commits them. This in turn leads him to further elevate his own standing in his own eyes for being nice.

The SJW:

Self-interest is a huge driver of the motivation for many things the SJW does. When she is offended by a campus speaker - she feels justified in acting as if the entire world should revolve around her emotional reactions to it. She is so concerned with her emotions that she acts as if they are more important than the emotions of others. Intersectionality appeals to her because she does not like sharing the validation that comes with being in a minority group with others. This leads to a perpetual struggle between groups over the rights to being validated. Like the nice guy, her view of the world is warped and she feels cheated. She is blind to any privilege she may have, and is convinced that everyone else is getting a better deal than she is. She will argue for special rights and claim it's simply a matter of equality - because to her, it is. When others want fair treatment, she accuses them of entitlement.


As a facet of agreeableness, compliance is defined as an individual's typical response to conflict. Those who score high on compliance tend to be meek and mild, and to prefer cooperation or deference as a means of resolving conflict. Low scorers tend to be aggressive, antagonistic, quarrelsome, and vindictive.[18]

The Nice Guy:

This is the one facet where the nice guy is hard to place. Although some nice guys lash out at women at the first sign of rejection, many appear to avoid conflict and mainly use the internet as an outlet of frustration. Some signs that the "Nice guys" score low on this may be the tendency to fantasize about gaining their revenge when women meet the mythical "Wall" and they finally get to reject them back.

The SJW:

The SJW likes to talk about inclusiveness and diversity, but in reality she does not act in accordance with this. Aggression and antagonism drives her to seek out conflict, and she is completely unwilling to compromise in any sort of way. When someone defies her - she wants harsh revenge. She is the type of person who claims that a 16 year old boy with a MAGA Hat is "Irredeemable". She wants people fired from their jobs for crossing her. She is not interested in discussion, but wants to deplatform or censor anyone who disagrees with her. She is annoyed by nuanced issues and thrives in confrontational "black-and-white" discussions. This leads her to greatly expand the definitions of terms such as rape, white supremacy and sexism because she is intrinsically motivated by the idea of conflict with nazis, sexists and rape apologists. The behavior of SJWs on reddit demonstrates this trait better than anything - instant downvoting, banning, extreme aggression and absolutely no will to compromise on anything.


While trust, straightforwardness, altruism, and compliance all refer to interpersonal or social behaviors, modesty refers to an individual's self-concept. Those who score high on modesty tend to be humble and other-focused, while low scorers tend to be arrogant and self-aggrandizing.[18] Low modesty is otherwise known as conceitedness or Narcissism and, in extreme cases, can manifest as Narcissistic personality disorder.[22]Otherwise known as "humility" in the Revised NEO Personality Inventory, modesty resembles the humility aspect of Honesty-Humility in the HEXACO Model.[20]

The Nice Guy:

The Nice Guy puts himself on a high horse and sees himself as some sort of paragon of virtue. He is oblivious to his obvious arrogance when he claims other guys are "just assholes" unlike himself.


Similarly, the SJW sees herself as "Woke" and as some sort of moral authority. Like the Nice Guy, she criticizes the morality of others, but she has a much broader ideological vocabulary for judging others.

As for the last scale, tender-mindedness, I am not sure it is relevant.

Anyways, that's my analysis. What do you guys think? Discuss!