This is a recurrent opinion by some on this sub, that there's a "Team Girl" whereby females put each other above men. I assert this is completely untrue, in fact false and backwards.

Girls hate each other. If they keep a wary eye on each other, they refer to that person as a "friend". If they trust her a little bit, she's a "best friend". If she thinks that trust doesn't have to be reevaluated frequently, it's "best friend forever". Sound like real closeness now? Nah I didn't think so. Women know the issues with women that we've learned at-a-distance, because they know their own character and grew up with other girls. And they have no better solutions than we do. In fact worse, there's no sexual attraction or desire to bond and raise a family together. The essence of the relationship with another woman is constant repulsion.

Why might a guy imagine there is a "team girl"?

(1) Women react similarly to given stimuli. AWALT, in other words. And if you see a bunch of women reacting similarly, especially in a way that's not favorable to you, you might feel ganged up on. And then you appear weak, and you get ridicule from them if anything, etc. If this happens in one's formative years, one can have serious damage to one's confidence, and feel that one must overcome a general problem with women, rather than just putting together a good 30 seconds to attract one woman one time.

(2) And augmenting (1) is the principle of social proof. Just the fact you aren't visibly successful with other women makes new women more skeptical. And if you get moody about it, this too seems worse than it is.

(3) Finally, there are those who will white-knight for women: white knight guys, and the government and courts. Women, by the AWALT principle, all enjoy receiving these goodies, and so they will form a team with those helpers. But actually the team isn't the girls, but the white-knight guys or the government. This should properly be called Team White Knight. The girls still hate each other.

But all it takes to overcome this is a good 30 seconds at the right time. You can do years of lifting to prepare for that 30 seconds, and dress well and have nice things, and those things have value in themselves. But if you approach women reminding yourself that they don't trust each other as far as they could throw them, and that you can provide a relief for them and they naturally desire you, you'll soon see there's no Team Girl, just individual girls with all their female issues.