In the increasingly sensitive campus environment that is being cultivated as a direct result of leftism, feminism, and all that terrible nonsense, there still lies hope - fraternities. I say this speaking from the experience of having rushed, pledged, and joined a fraternity this semester, and I now gladly say that I am a part of one to any who inquire. There are a few reasons that fraternities and the Red Pill benefit one another, and I would like to outline the ones I was able to think of in this post. Here is why you should join a fraternity as a Red Pilled Man.


Joining a fraternity means you are expected to contribute and maintain this contribution throughout your membership. Any of those who fail to do so will be at risk of getting kicked out, as I have already seen this semester myself. You now have a group of men holding you accountable for your actions, leaving you to eventually hold YOURSELF accountable for your actions. If you fuck something up, you don’t get a pass - you get shit. Generating self-accountability is absolutely crucial to succeed in the world after your studies and help yourself realize where you went wrong, admit to the wrong, and work at making sure it never happens again.

A Place for Your Emotions

In the end, we have emotions. We do not expose these emotions to women as to not ruin our frame and show ourselves as vulnerable beings. It is suggested that you only speak of your issues and anything going on in your life to a level-headed man who will be willing to support you and tell you like it is. By joining a fraternity, you now have a group of men who will treat you like a brother and give you emotional support when you need it. This provides an outlet for emotions and prevents men from slipping into their beta ways unknowingly and venting their problems to their FWB or SO. Just don’t abuse this fact and use your brothers as a collective emotional tampon; they get sick of it and you’ll just seem like a bitch who can’t handle what life throws at him.

Social Proof

This is a big one in regards to SMV. Having social proof is crucial for your SMV, and being part of an organization known for having a good time, being a Greek organization, and throwing parties will instantly grant you social proof as a member. You can say that joining a fraternity is similar to joining a club; the added benefit is that this “club” is constantly throwing parties having a good ass time, while also doing philanthropic and altruistic work on campus. You contribute to the well-being of your institution and also have fun at the same time.

Sorority Bitches

Being in a fraternity makes it much easier to bang chicks. This also means that you will most likely catch the attention of a sorority girl, and, if you don’t fuck it up, will end up catching the attention of her sisters. It is important to remember that everything you say or do to a girl is on broadcast to a woman’s friends, and this is no different, if not more intense, with sorority girls. If one girl knows, they all do. This is why it is important not to fuck up, have solid game, and hold your fucking frame. You essentially will have pussy lining up if you do things right, and can become effectively immune to oneitis. Having the chance to spin plates will help you massively with practicing and implementing RP Theory and seeing what works and what doesn’t. I have improved immensely in this fashion since I am able to read and apply theory to these women, and it has really forced me to make the Pill a part of my being, something it never was before.

This is really only a post relevant to those in college. It is advised that you join a club or organization in order to contribute to something and to actually fill your time with valuable activities (besides the partying and drinking), and I have found that fraternities are an excellent way to be a part of campus life and still experience the college life for all its alcohol and harems. It has been an extremely great choice I’ve made in my life, and probably the best one I will have ever made.