There was a question on askTRP recently about what to do when 2 plates meet each other. Had a comment but wanted to expand on it here, because this happens to be my specialty.

Plates colliding, or, when two women from the same player meet each other, what do you do? Sounds like the scenario from a bad chick flick. They two women meet, gang up together and then collude to get back at the player for being such a horrible person to women.

Cut to reality.

Colliding plates is something I didn't necessarily consider to be a positive outcome when I first started spinning. I knew it might happen one day, but for the most part I did my best to avoid that happening. What I learned through my experiences is that it's not actually a bad scenario, and, if you manage it right, you can use it to your advantage. It might actually be worth orchestrating a collision on purpose.

I've had plates collide many times in the past. It usually ends in a boost in attraction. They may act upset, but 9 times out of 10, they both work harder for your attention. They will act as though you being a player is bad for attraction, and they might even shit test you "ewww, you're fucking other girls?" or "you're with her? really?"

They're trying to win the game. They want you to think the other girl is stupid, slutty, or gross. Because they want to win. Don't cave. They'll both put in 150% to try to outdo the other. At no point will this social proof actually hurt attraction.

Now, there's a caveat to this: sometimes this causes a plate to fall. It really does happen. Not all women are excited to be plates, and while there's an implicit understanding in non-commitment that one is a plate, they will keep spinning until they are forced to confront that reality. Once confronted, the anti-slut defense might deploy, causing them to fall off.

But remember this- just because she walked doesn't mean the plate collision dinged your attractiveness. She just wanted commitment and decided to cut her losses because she doesn't think she'll win it. If your plate falls because of this, keep her in the black book, because she'll get horny soon enough - either because she can't find anybody, or the beta she suckers will be boring to her. You will still be her booty call. Fine by me.

The massive social proof from other girls fucking you will always, ALWAYS, make them more attracted to you. No matter what they say. No matter how much fuss they put up, no matter what shit tests they throw, no matter what the results of relationship or plate status, your attractiveness level will not go down because of it. Use this information wisely.

As I mentioned earlier, I originally did my best to avoid plates colliding, but I had a habit of keeping 3 spinning at a time, and it was near impossible to avoid them meeting in public at least now and again. Couple that with the fact that I had non-spinning ex-plates, and soon-to-be-spinning flirts that I always work on, there were always women approaching me in public to say hi.

So after realizing the boost in attraction, I started to want these "awkward" scenarios - and orchestrate them on purpose. Because if you play it smooth when they expect it to be awkward for you, it's god damned 100,000 sexy points to you.

When two plates collide, the air gets thick and the pressure will be for you to explain it away, cut the tension. I prefer to lean back and smile. Let it take place. Let them feel each other out. Let them both know this isn't your first rodeo and it doesn't bother you at all. Your cool resolve under this stress will really get them curious, furious, and confused. My god, if that's not the recipe for a wet vagina. Bonus points for physical flirting with both in front of each other.

My first encounter was two potential plates meeting at my house at the wrong time, turning into a month-long battle between them trying to "win" me. The next encounters were bumping into other women/plates in public and me openly flirting with them. By the end of it, it was impossible for me to go out with a plate without running into somebody giving me serious IOIs. Some of my latest exploits included going out to bars/clubs with a plate, and openly approaching other women while I was out with her. The more it worked, the more they tried.

Every time, met with the same token resistance. Every time, it benefited me.

Now, there are some sacrifices I make with a LTR (which I'm in now). One is that I am not openly fucking other women. But these effects carry into the LTR. She is very aware that women approach me in public, that I am well liked by many, and she knows at least a percentage of the women I interact with have either fucked me, or want to fuck me. I don't go out of my way to torture my LTR, I don't orchestrate events like this any more. But the fact that it happens is still in the back of her mind. Passive dread. That social proof is priceless.

Master colliding plates for success in both casual dating, as well as long term relationships.