Its Valentines Day Mother-nonfuckers.

It is that time of year for more socially mandated behavior on what it is to be a man. Daddy Red is here to remind you what the rules are.

So just like you got your 1st, 2nd and 3rd shots like a good beta, time to get out there and get your harpy wife her chocolate, flowers and AA batteries for when you can't finish her off - which is all the fucking time.

Lucky for you the Super Bowl is the day before, so its going to be extra special for you. After she lets you have your guy time, hang out in your man cave and curse on your team that didn't make it (Fuck you Chiefs!) you get to treat her to an evening of extra special covert contracts.

You ready to eat some nasty Chad filled vagina soup leftover from the game? While you are watching the game and doing keg stands in your $120 Authentic NFL Jersey, Chad is fucking two women in your house, one of them being your wife.

Oh but Daddy Red, I have a plan. I am going to combine Valentines Day and the Super Bowl into one major event! That's a great idea, I bet she will never think to milk your shit out for an additional day, especially since she is being NICE and letting you have time Sunday to do manly shit.

Bet you plan on being the AMOG and running to 24 hour fitness, getting a sick swole pump and downing a blender bottle of Creatine right before kickoff. You have to look swole bro in that 2XLT jersey you have.


Stop being a teapot, sack up and plan your strategy for 2023.

I am not going to give you a fucking field guide on what to do for your harpy on this special day this year.

Just know a congruent man acts in the way he sees fit. If you want to get her chocolates, flower and AA batteries, then fine. Make sure they are lithium. Know what the fuck you are doing.

If you want to get her Skittles, get them. Original only.

Your Valentines Day present for 2022 was decided last year. At this stage, you can only enter the game with the team you have. Dont try to be a skittles man, when you are a triple beta bitch.

Better watch out though, the GOAT is retiring and Mahomes is still learning.

There is always next year.