Whenever I get the urge to read through OYS or the AMRP sub, I inevitably find the post where a guy puts some version of "I tweaked my back/arm/leg/ or any other extremity" so I am going to take time off from this lift or that lift. I have only one thought.

This guy’s ego is in the way. Weak things break afterall.

There is a difference between discomfort and pain. While everyone’s tolerance for pain is different, your ego can and does get in the way. Failing a lift can be ego damaging. In my last meet couple weeks ago I failed my third deadlift. I just gassed out. Immediately as I walked off the platform my ego started in. It was giving me all the reasons why I didn’t get it. I knew the real reason. My work capacity sucks. It was a 12 hour day at the meet and by the end I was just done. I even remember my coach poking me in the chest and saying exactly what I knew. Then he added. “We’ll fix it by March.” Side note: he's lived up to that promise.

So check yourself. Make sure your ego isn’t talking. Did you really try to make a 285 deadlift and fail or is it really pain from damage or is just a minor injury you can work through and around? Did you listen your ego and have an excuse for a failed progression in your lifts and marked it as “I hurt myself”. Your injuries can tell you a lot where you are weak. Where you need to improve. She turn you down again? Where was your failure? What were your weak points during the day or days leading to this moment?

Or was it just that she’s low libido?

Weak things break.

This is the same mindset that lets you walk off the gym floor because your man parts hurt is what another guy will write about how he was turned down for sex then asks about monk mode. Should he go and pout in the corner? Honestly, it’s not his fault. His wife is just a pain in the ass, she’s a feminist anyhow, or never had a father figure...insert any reason here. He just needs to take a week or two and go back to reading all the books again. He should get focused and stop thinking about sex all the time.

Guys like this think up every reason except for what will fix the issue. Instead of getting back into the mix and working through the discomfort. Train through the injury. Learn from it, improve your weaknesses, develop an action plan. Then hit it and get it. But….

Weak things break.

I firmly believe in training through injuries. Sure some jagweed is going to lecture me on being healthy blah blah blah. Here’s a protein bar and STFU. Here’s the thing. Only YOU can judge if the injury is that bad. If it is that bad then you had better have an action plan to address it. If it is pain a doc/PT should be involved. That’s how I really know. Where they just say…injured like they hung up a gone fishin’ sign.

You can see through my post history of injuries I have sustained in training and ways I have pushed through to continue competing and meeting goals. This is no different than anything else. No one cares about your injuries. u/HornsofApathy isn’t going to come to your house and kiss you lower back to make it better. u/RStonePT isn’t going to mail you magic fairy dust and make it all go away. No one cares.

Weak. Things. Break.

So get over your ego. Don’t let anything stop from achieving what it is you want. You can sit here in the dirt crying about how much she is a bitch, your back hurts, your family busts your balls, how the world is just against men.

Or you can realize it was your fault all along. Your ego lead you here. You let it. You listened to them say you couldn’t and you didn’t. You fulfilled the prophesy.

It’s not fuck them. It’s Fuck you.

Fuck you for listening.

Fuck you for letting all these things in your life happen, for giving up on yourself.

And fuck that bar. Are you going to let it prove to you that weak things break?

Or are you going to lift that mother fucker? Trust me. You can lift it.