If I fluently speak the language of game and seduction, but have no frame - I am only a dancing monkey or attention seeking clown.

If I have the gift of swole and understand all the mysteries of TRT and have a body blessed by Brodin himself, but do not have frame - I am nothing.

If I make seven figures and dress the latest fashion, but do not have frame, I gain nothing.

Frame is essential. Frame is congruent. It does not need to boast or protect the ego. It lives fully and openly with authenticity. It is not easily angered, it is not needy. It does not get butthurt or feel compelled to defend. Frame is physical, intellectual, and emotional.

Frame perseveres. Where there is game, it will eventually fade. Where there is lifting, it will eventually decline.

I learn, I grow, and I seek congruence and completeness with what I have learned. When I was a beta, I talked like a beta, I thought like a beta, I reasoned like a beta. But when I began to understand alpha, I put the ways of the beta behind me.

Right now, I see only a vision of the future, but soon, it will be fully realized. Now I know only in part, but then I shall know fully and be fully known.

And now these three remain: game, lifting, and frame. But the greatest of these is frame.