I get it.

There is a cost benefit weighing to everything. Men are often the ones to pursue so they don't have to worry about a weirdo for suing them. And girls have the power of choice so they don't have to muster as much confidence or courage to step up and ask somebody out.

There's also a more danger aspect because some men are creeps and rapist. But I hate how were supposed to be treating everyone equally but so many of our social practices are still from the caveman days.

Feminist defeat themselves when they still use their feminity as a privilage and advantage.

It sucks knowing that if I was born a girl with the same personality traits finding a partner probably wouldn't have been so hard.

Trying to establish myself as a sensitive man in the dating Realm haven't really gone the way I planned it or have a lot of feminists and blue been pillars state. In my head I used to think that a lot of girls wanted to be treated fairly and not any different because the girls and I thought the same thing applied to men but so far it hasn't really proved any fruit unless you are a rare exception.

I don't know how to deal with this. I was born in this big black male body. It doesn't match this sensitive artist. Ironically so many people think I'm a player before they meet me which doesn't make my self-esteem more stronger.

People say be yourself and it all calibrate but I've had to twist and turn and tweaked my words and personality so much just because no one takes a big black man who was soft seriously.

So many girls go through the same struggles and challenges the average guy can but the one advantage they have is that they will have attention and romantic opportunities litterally walk up to them.

Ned: Poor, but well adjusted. Has friends hobbies but he just doesnt have enough edge or money.

Mary: Poor but well adjusted. Has friends and hobbies but just doesnt have a Kim K body.

But the difference between these two is that , no matter how similar both are embo flaws and strengths: Ned will have to do more improvement just on the basis that he is a man. Mary will still have guys approach her because it is expected. Mary will probably ask out a handful of guys versus the potential hundreds Ned will have to in order to find success He's just not valued for his looks alone and I get that but I hate this idea that men still have to be the ones to chase if we are supposed to live in this feminist world.

Don't get me wrong the reason why I'm in the middle of the pills at because I still believe in the net positive feminist will bring I just hate that men's experiences whether it be shared or unique aren't brought to the equation.

I can't get behind you complaining about how many Creeps and Weirdos catcall you because

A: the tons of unattractive or big girls that don't get the same amount.

B: you're probably missing out that one of these guys could be your match

C: if I want any slim picking of romance I will have to put myself out there to face rejection and or embarrassment. As a man. You as a woman do not know how difficult being on the other side is.

It sucks because I agree with a feminist on so many things but they defeat their own arguments by being hypocritical.