So for guys planning on having kids, or who already have them, I feel that there is a definite level of mental friction in this department. It's something I think I figured out that I want to hear some thoughts on.


How do you simultaneously accept the vicious nature of the SMP, the realities of post-modern dating, marriage 2.0, the nature of a red pilled man and your innate desire to protect your daughter, while reconciling that with what you understand she needs? Can you reconcile her desire for what Jordan Peterson would call a "high testosterone man" and what he also noted was likely the pinnacle of family arrangements?


Now while my daughters are a long way from dating age, it's something I've been hoping I could find an answer to.

My hypothesis, something I'd like to hear about from those with daughters that are dating age, or OGs that have had daughters that had successful marriages is this.


This I think solves a couple problems, but also creates its own issue.

The first thing here, is that a natural survives on innate personality and SMV differential alone. That is typically endearing. So, from the get go, you've covered a large part of the game. The problem here, is he's blue pilled. You've got 18 months, give or take to red pill him while pair bonding is doing its job.

From there, you can subtly red pill both of them and help mitigate the outside influence of fourth wave feminism, post-modern SMP etc.

If you've done your role as a father, you hope you can set her up for this properly if she saves herself and you help guide her to the right guy. From there, you let pair bonding and the qualities of the natural do 90% of the work.

All you have left is some red pilling for the two of them, because they're going to hit bumps in the road, for sure. It is the nature of relationships.

My concern about this was, how do you in a modern age get a girl to see why n=0 is a solution to her when everything she hears screams at her to disregard all of this? It's easy to operate in a fearful mindset here, but I genuinely feel in the next two decades the pendulum is going to swing back.

I think the evidence shows it already is. Men are starting to pull back and embrace hookup culture, or what we call STRPlate life. Women are starting to actually see a scarcity of men who are high value and want to commit.

But we all know there's no shortage of men who want the american dream, and that means a stable family, and when they're ready (all though we ALL claimed we didn't want kids, until we did), that will statistically (90% lifetime) include kids.

And at least to my mind. I sort of imagine 1950s dad (as Jordon would refer to an MRP man) as a guy who would do this. Taking your future son in law under your arm and providing guidance to your daughter, ultimately directing both of them away from our self destructive nature.

That's the best I can come up with outside of a dice roll.

And if he never red pills properly, then she's got cash and prizes going for her.