When it comes to plating women, deep down, they all want the same thing. They want to submit to your frame, they want you to lead the way, etc.

Yet, when you stumble upon a bombshell that you want to add to your China collection, instead of following your usual routine, you start overthinking and over-analyzing everything. How do you break this habit?


Well, first of all, this mentality originates from scarcity. In most cases, you have no other options at her SMV or higher if she rejects your advances. If you don’t have abundance, fake it.

There’s also overvaluing her... letting her looks get under your skin. Think about it this way:

If she was a 5, would you give a shit? Would you overthink things? No, you wouldn’t. You could easily fuck a 5 the first time you hang out with her. The thing is, you can do the exact same thing with a 9 just as easily.

Most of us dick-for-brains guys think because a woman is hot, she is special and requires better treatment as opposed to women of lower SMV. While if she’s high SMV you will get shit-tested more, besides that, her SMV doesn’t mean jack fuckin shit. You pass her tests. You escalate. You take her home. You fuck her. The routine doesn’t change.

What changes, and what can screw you over in the end, is the way you think you have to change your game. Heads up: you don’t have to change your game at all. You are still a man. You decide what’s right, you have a frame stronger than hers, and she will mold to it, regardless of how hot she is.


Do not make the mistake of overvaluing hot girls. Game and frame, maintain both. Don’t think with your dick. They submit to your frame, not you to theirs.

Edits: Grammar fixes and other revisions.