Finished first month of bulking. How do I know if I have gained muscle vs. Fat? Ran a few calculators and it isn't clear. I started at 152 and gained about 6 pounds, but 1.5 inches on belly across the navel. Did I need to record lean mass before starting? (I keep a spreadsheet so can go back and figure it out if needed). And any tips going forward? Plan is to bulk to 170 or 25% BF and then cut again but obviously I am not sure how to evaluate progress and this is first time doing a cycle.

Edit with some pertinent stats: Navy method :23% BF 123.13 lean mass Jackson Pollock: 20.23 BF Chest is still bigger than waist: 39.5 inches around at nipples. Waist is 37. Can still see top two abs When I started belly was 40 and chest was non-existent (thankfully I took photos as a reminder.)

Also I gained a lot of excess this week because of the holidays and eating too much.

Overall I look better (couldn't look worse)have more muscle, still too fat etc. Going to cut calories down to about 2000 (slightly above TDEE ) stick with it for another month and then re-evaluate.

Second edit: I am going to cut calories to below TDEE. Looking at Bulk or Cut Reddit it is clear to me now that I am too fat. Thanks bros for all the input. Going to get back down to 15% range and then re-evaluate.