Edit: I fucking love you guys, crashed site 3 times with traffic. Makes me feel all warm inside keep up the website hugging k thanks


Twitter: @ArousalScience


Using biometric instruments I've examined a female using Tinder and have made observations about the type of profiles that lead to instant left swipe(rejection).

Body of Text:

As men we sometimes make the mistake of making assumptions about the sexual strategy employed by the opposite gender. That is we assume that women are looking for the same things we are and it is this mistake that leads to failure in online dating. The men who were nexted by the female participant made the mistake of assuming that their Gender Specific Sexual Strategy was universal. It is best to learn from the mistakes of others, so that by their loss you gain invaluable experience. Below are observations of common mistakes men made that made their profiles less appealing.

Don’t have lonely looking profile pictures – unless you’re a male model don’t have pictures where you are the only thing in focus/frame. Have interesting objects, persons, and things in your photo. If your profile picture doesn’t tell a story or lead to inquiry then you’re doing it wrong. Give the female observer material she can use in her imagination of you. Lonely pictures warrant no imagination and will not get attention. As men we make the mistake of assuming that as long as we look attractive in our pictures that is all the female observer needs to accurately judge us. Women need to be able to imagine who you are as a person, what your status in this world is and above all they need to believe that you’re someone whose worth their time.


  1. The decision process in figure 1 is almost immediate he gets nexted in less than 3 seconds. She recalls after looking back at this particular face.”He doesn’t look interesting, he looks sad.” He was nexted not because he was unattractive but because he looked lonely. If you’re a guy reading this, pay attention. Women do not rate on appearance as highly as men do, they rate higher on social status than men however. If this photo was taken from a further distance to include more in the scene he might have done better, but the world of online dating is an unforgiving one.

  2. In figure 2 the message that I assume the guy wanted was to send was related his profession. Exactly what his profession is was lost when She viewed it. She nexted him, to understand why she nexted him lets look at the last thing she sees before hitting the ‘X’. She sees he is wearing brightly colored safety vest that people who do manual labor often wear. Looking at the background of this picture there are buildings that look like they could be related to oil extraction. This guy could have very well have been loaded financially. But in Her eyes “he looks like a construction worker, I don’t find that attractive.” He was nexted because the message he was trying to convey wasn’t clear and what messages she was able to pickup didn’t interest her enough to investigate further. The mistake made in this profile is miscommunication of the message from one gender to the other. Make sure the message you are sending in your picture is clear and simple, filter your profile pictures through female friends before actively using them.

  3. In figure 3 the guy in the profile picture is alone, the picture doesn’t invoke any emotions and there is nothing left for the imagination to build on. He is staring awkwardly away at something with a facial expression that looks like he’s constipated. The mistake here is improper application of photography techniques in an effort to produce a more striking profile picture. Whatever the picture he had in mind was he clearly missed it. Lesson to take away is to have professionally taken pictures for online dating. Employ a photographer they will absolutely know the best tricks and angles to use for the best photograph outcome.

For more case examples of lonely profile pictures click here

Don’t make it hard to see your face – If your face isn’t visible and there is nothing noteworthy happening in the picture then don’t expect to grab the attention of a female observers. We take in a lot of information in from the face, imagine meeting someone for the first time and being unable to see their face clearly. You’d have an incomplete first impression. Its the same thing with profile pictures if your first profile picture has issues with face visibility its going to lead to undesirable results.


  1. In figure 11 the face is shown in an awkward angle that makes it hard to read. Notice how the face is looked at again before the ‘X’ is hit. Facial cues are so important, usually the very first thing you look for in a profile picture is a face. When your brain doesn’t get a good representation of what its looking for it tends to be unhappy. You can see her trying to find facial detail in this picture and being unable to find anything good to view. As a result she just gives up and decides to move onto the next guy.

Don’t have a profile picture where its hard to tell who you are in the picture. If its not immediately apparent who you are in your profile picture then expect confusion from the female observer. Nothing is worse than having to try to guess at who the person is.


  1. In figure 12 there are three guys, can you tell which one the tinder profile belongs to? In this figure she mistakenly assumes the profile belongs to the guy on the far left with the large biceps. When in actuality the profile belongs to the guy in the middle. Imagine matching up with a girl on tinder only to find out she thought you were one of your friends who you took a picture with. Its a simple enough error to prevent. The solution is simple, if there are any group pictures do not make them the first picture that is shown in your profile.

  2. In figure 13 you can see the confusion in her eye movements. She is attempting to figure out which one of the guys is the one who is the owner of the tinder account. She eventually nexted this guy (whoever he is). When asked why she nexted she said “I couldn’t tell which one he was and didn’t feel like looking at the rest of his pictures to find out.” On tinder there are a ton of guys to swipe through, She can afford to be more selective. This means that even if your profile is redeemable after looking at sub pictures if your first picture doesn’t grab the attention of the female observer she may very well just move onto the next guy.

  3. In figure 14 the same problem that we’ve seen above is visible. Three guys and not a single clue as to which one the account owner is. She just chooses to continue onto the next guy rather than invest resources into figuring out which one of the guys owns the account.

for more examples of profiles where its hard to tell who owns the profile - click here

Don’t have a higher quality male in your profile shot – He might be your bro, but if he has higher sexual market value than you – girls will branch swing away from you and towards him.


  1. In figure 19 something very interesting happens. The profile belongs to the guy on the left and she is swiping through his pictures and mid-swipe she notices a far more attractive sibling sitting on the couch and this causes her to stop. Having a more attractive male in your profile picture doesn’t help you, be mindful of this

Lesson Learned:

The four things that end up costing you a right swipe on Tinder that can be easily fixed are:

  1. Don't have lonely looking profile pictures
  2. Don't make it hard to see your face
  3. Don't have profile pictures where its hard to tell who you are
  4. Don't have higher quality males in your profile picture

Avoiding these common pitfalls of Tinder will result in you getting left swiped less.