Well, separation has been going on 9 months now, let alone divorce - we can't even get a temporary visitation schedule done. Mediation failed after she changed her mind at the end on 50 50 custody. I moved back into the home full time, and her attorney doesn't seem to have a plan forward, and mostly just sendse vaguely threatening letters. Today, she emailed to ask if the Christmas visitation schedule she proposed prior to my coming back to the home was agreeable (effectively it said I would have my son from 3 pm Christmas eve and return him 12 pm Christmas day.) I didn't really know how to respond, since I don't know where I'd be returning him if I am at the home. So, as far as I can tell, she either has no idea I came back, or is just overloaded and following up on her letters without thinking about it. I'm frustrated, because there have been multiple proposals to them that get answered by her attorney as 'I'll get back to you on that, but has he stopped speaking to her yet?' Or 'I'll get back to you on the counter offer, but is he OK with the Christmas schedule?' I don't know the game plan, but I emailed all of them today and said that I'm not going to pay to respond to these petty follow ups. I'm paying attorneys to divorce my wife, not coordinate Christmas and the means in which I communicate with her. Any idea what my move is?