The divorce process has been just awful and its coming up on the year mark since shit went down (not divorced yet) and I just did not recover from the financial screw over of two households because you know of course I was the bread winner.

I ended up moving with my kids away to a different city to get away from where the turmoil and fog was. It did not work out the way I wanted it to. I spiraled into drinking to cope, literally a functional alcoholic, ended up getting a DUI (yes with the kids, no one was hurt, i'm ashamed but it became a wake up call.). Her Affair relationship ended up failing, all sorts of crazy shit went down with her trying to get back and "TheE MotHEr of YouRR ChiLDren" bullshit. I continued paying for her nursing school with GI Bill benefits so she can leave me TF alone with alimony and child support, has a year left.

Anyway, I am one of the lucky ones to have military pension and a secondary source of income, what I have gained by moving and all the craziness was clarity on what to prioritize and that was myself for my two boys (Pre-Teens). She can finish nursing school and fuckin provide for them too.

So I have decided I am dismantling everything, moving back home with my two kids (Yes even after DUI they still with me). I'm going dedicate the next two years to JUST THEM, fuck work, fuck her JUST FOCUS ON THEM and my mental health. It's getting better.