I'm sorry for all the negativity, but I just need to rant.

After reading countless redpill posts about how women are useless and worthless after 30, I started to feel hatred towards myself and my gender. I hate this sick obsession with ageing.

I'm 20 now and have a wonderful loving boyfriend, but now I am scared he will leave me once I get older. I know he values me for my personality and he does not read any of redpilled content. He is also extremely devoted, the "my gf is the only girl I see" type of guy, he doesn't watch p*rn or follow insta models, so I consider myself very lucky to have him. However, after reading how men despise older women and only want 20year olds, I'm scared that despite all of that he will be disgusted by me later on. I am also not interested in staying in a relationship with a man whose eyes wander to pretty young girls while he's "settled" for me. I would rather be single than be a 40-year-old woman whose man dreams about younger girls. Now I am starting to wonder what's the point of relationships if, in the end, you are undesirable even by your partner.

I'm just so sick of being a woman. The constant obsession with ageing is not only popular in redpill - it is all over television, social media, the skincare industry, etc, and the pressure to get baby botox, to use sunscreen, retinoids, and vitamin c. I'm so sick of that. Men age too, often worse than women and no one pressures them into all of this.

I know women have so much worth besides their looks. However, because of constantly seeing all this content that values women's looks above anything else, I am struggling to see this value within myself. And after hearing men bring down women's value solely to their looks, it makes me not want to interact with men at all.

Sorry, I just needed to rant:(