Let me try to explain better. You bring your red pill thoughts to an ex redpill forum and then get mad at, insult, and gaslight people that have ex redpill views.

People that make sense and have comments that you may not want to hear because you’re not as ex redpill as you thought, and you’re not ready to hear them.

Don’t you think if you were truly ex redpill, you wouldn’t be so triggered by some of the responses? You’d agree? You all get on these things and act like you want advice but then when someone’s got a response that isn’t “awe poor baby it’s okay to be short or it’s okay to be whatever your insecurity is” …. When people aren’t coddling you…. You get defensive. Which again…. Is your insecurity attacking the truth. You don’t want advice or you’d be open to all of it. You want coddling. You don’t want the solutions people offer, you want a pity party and self loathing and you wanna argue.

This isn’t ex redpill it’s redpill gaslighting.