Yep... that’s the bumper sticker my wife wants to put on our minivan. I thought it was pretty damn funny, until I realized it’s probably better suited stamped on my forehead. I’ve been married for 13 years,and for 13 years I went from having a awesome social status, all the toys I could ask for and pretty much freedom to do what I wanted, when I wanted, on my terms.

Now I am 38. Got a nice home, three awesome kids, a kick ass job and a wife who cooks and cleans, does the laundry. What more could I ask for..... guess what fuckers, I’m tired of it!! I am the poster child for the word BETA!!

That’s right, I gave everything up for her. Why? I thought that what a great husband was supposed to do. That’s what happened when you get married. You both have to make sacrifices. If anyone believes this is true they are pretty fucked up in the head.

See, I gave her everything she wanted, a house, a couple cars, the dogs she wanted. I could go on and on. She is being treated like a queen..... meanwhile I am being treated like a slave. Yep, I do what she says, when she says. God forbid I say no to something. Don’t want to rock the boat. I just look at her, up on her pedestal and say... yes dear. And our sex life.... well let’s just say my right hand muscles are bigger than my left from all the jacking off I do.

But then I found a book. NMMNG. Changed my thinking a little. Found this subreddit. Devoured the sidebar books. Read post, after post after post. Guess what I learned. I am a fucking faggot! And it pisses me off. Sure in the past I would blame my wife for our debt, our lack of sex ect..... and she would just put me in my place. Now I realize the only person I have to blame is me! What a shitty fucking realization that is. I could have avoided a lot of this shit if I would have just put my big boy pants on and said the word NO!!!

Well, I have STFU for the past month. Watched her actions, not listened to her words. And I’ll be damned. Half the shit she does I have already read about. I now know I order to get back to being myself, the awesome fucker I used to be, I need to swallow the red pill. It’s intimidating as fuck. But I have absolutely no choice.

So there is my victim puke. One of the reason I wanted to post this is so I can look back in a year and just see how much of a beta, pushover, peice if shit I was. I now am willing to give up everything to get my balls back! Peace out. I’m going to go lift some shit!

Edit: Formatting