I posted this as a comment in another thread, but I've noticed a huge increase lately in direct links to feminist websites and blogs on TRP's front pages. I'll leave the case-by-case situations to the mods, but just a friendly reminder to the newbies:

Direct linking to femi-blogs is against the "Posting Rules and Guidelines" for a reason. As most of us already know but some may not, it feeds actual money to these websites and blogs via ad revenue.

What they are essentially doing is "click whoring". You might as well just stroll into a National Organization for Women office and just give them a $20 bill. Or donate $50 to a campaign to expand VAWA to include stare-rape. Or stroll into an abortion clinic and pay for some random slut's alpha mistake. Or, as I often say, support your local single mothers by stuffing dollars into their thongs at strip clubs, and make them actually earn money for their whoring.

Instead, create a donotlink link at donotlink.com, and post that.


EDIT 3: I'm seeing a lot of people losing their shit in the comments about "censoring" or "banning" or other such shit. Listen: NOBODY IS SAYING YOU CANNOT PRESENT FEMI-HAMSTERING FROM THESE SITES, and nobody is talking about banning anybody (unless you wantonly violate hard rules, and that's up to mods). We all enjoy laughing at/ridiculing feminists as much as the next guy. It's just that the "old guard" here is asking that we do it in the way that has ALWAYS BEEN THE RULES on TRP. This is nothing new. We do not drive traffic to the sites listed below, PERIOD. Financial reasons aside, we simply do not believe in boosting their "unique user traffic" numbers. They use data like "new viewers" the same way we do, and there is no good reason to help them artificially inflate their "fan base". We have over 72,000 subs now. We need to be responsible about which parts of the inter web we validate with our attention, just like you do with your LTRs/plates.

Just read the "Posting Rules & Guidelines", which I'm sure you did, since it's in the SIDEBAR, and like any good new sub on TRP, you heeded the advice of the mods and you read the sidebar. "No direct linking" to these sites has always been a rule, and "post links in a TEXT POST with a summary and thoughtful editorial included has always been preferential.

EDIT 2: Some of the more interweb savvy have recommended archive.today instead of donotlink. Good call /u/FagCocoOil.

EDIT: /u/SoftHarem has a great idea. Anyone please feel free to add to the list of sites that should be blacklisted. Currently it really only has Jizzabel, Huffington Post-Wall, and a few others. I'll start:

  • themarysue.com - as I said in the other thread, this is an Anita Sarkeesian wet dream
  • feministing.com - this is a no fucking brainer
  • feminspire.com - this one'll make you puke in your soup
  • xojane.com - h/t /u/thisiswhyidontpost good call, forgot about this vaginal bloodrag
  • dailymail.co.uk - not feminist, but definitely sensationalist; up in the air on banning this one h/t /u/garlicextract
  • everydayfeminism.com - h/t /u/Clbull the title alone means this one needs no introduction
  • goodmanproject.com - h/t /u/Clbull "good man project", look around for a minute and it's really "Good Beta Project"
  • buzzfeed.com - h/t /u/redpill_lurker if you have interest in reading about Niki Minaj and other cunts who dye their hair stupid colors, or taking stupid Cosmo-style gyno-quizzes, then you have much further travel left on your way down TRP rabbit hole and shouldn't be posting yet
  • gizmodo.com - h/t /u/redpill_lurker
  • techcrunch.com - h/t /u/We_Are_Legion
  • theverge.com - h/t /u/We_Are_Legion
  • The entire Gawker network - h/t /u/We_Are_Legion
  • livejournal.com - h/t /u/We_Are_Legion
  • tumblr.com - h/t /u/We_Are_Legion behind IG, this is the premier female validation engine, should be no need to direct link here
  • upworthy.com h/t /u/87GNX