Here is my rant of the day: Blue Pill men are not the enemy.

Red Pill as a term is intended to mean that your eyes have been opened up to the truth of the world around you. It is used here to describe understanding male/female dynamics, it’s used in other groups to describe understanding politics. Using this metaphor, blue pilled people are suffering under a false understanding of the world. This is all fine as a way of understanding people’s worldview. What it is not ok to do, is to assume that a red pill person is always good and blue pill person is always bad.

We’ve discussed on occasion that many men who would not consider themselves to be red pilled still see what is going on in the world. I saw a comment today that indicated that women who are past the wall might have to settle for blue pilled men. I believe this is a wildly incorrect way of looking at non-red pill men and an incredibly dismissive way to view men in general.

My blue pilled boss:

I work for a man who was primarily raised by a single mother after his father took off. He’s economically conservative and socially liberal. He is a natural Alpha and this is obvious watching him interact with the men involved in his primary hobby. He is the leader in his family even though his wife supported them while he built his business and it’s unlikely they would be where they are if they weren’t a team. He is training me to ‘inherit’ his business when he retires but he also watches me walk to my car when we work past dark. He has never advised a male client not to marry, and I’ve seen him advise a female client to protect her assets with a prenup when the time comes.

He would be appalled at some of the things that are said on TRP. This isn’t an insult to TRP. This is the result of his values from being raised by a single mother, having a strong wife and raising a strong daughter. I think of him when I see the idea that blue pilled men are somehow lesser men and I know it’s not entirely accurate.

Unsurprisingly, there’s a reason why women here are often cautioned to stay off the male RP subs as well. The goals here are generally different from the most popular goals on TRP and askTRP. Even though MRP focuses exclusively on marriage, the community there deals with very different issues. The male subs are not moral or immoral, good or bad, but to non-RP folks (like my boss), it’s easy to see why from their perspective, many behaviors and ideas are judged through a morality lens.

So today I ask RPW to stop thinking of men in black and white (or Red and Blue) terms. There are good men out there. What we say around here about relationship dynamics and red pill beliefs does not mean that we are tied to finding only red pill aware men. There are good men and bad men. There are men who will be able to lead and men who will never want to lead.

Look for a man who you are compatible with and attracted to. If we hold too firmly to the red/blue divide it stops being a praxeology and starts being yet another way to categorize and sort people. We have enough of that these days.