The Baby Trap

So let’s say you’ve been dating your girlfriend or plating plates for a while, but then the ladies in question get to 26 or so.

You may notice the onset of “Baby Rabies”. If she starts talking about babies, asking “What if I got pregnant?”, and ogling babies that she sees in strollers in public etc., she is having Baby Rabies.

What is the Baby Trap?

If your LTR/plate asks about whether you want to be a husband and a dad or not, you are entering the Danger Zone. Your answer is, “Of course, I want to be a husband and a dad, babe. I want to Fill You Up with babies.”


Because Baby Rabies takes no prisoners. It prevents them from thinking rationally. So why tell her that you are totally down to preg her up? Because if she feels you pulling away, she’s going to pull the goalie – otherwise she’d have to find a guy like you, who fucks as good as you, who has as good a job as you, and she will need time to vet him and make sure he’s not a loser and that will take TIME and her womb wants a baby RIGHT FUCKING NOW!

So when she start showing these signs, you can either dump her or you can start finishing in her mouth and telling her to swallow because “It’s so SEXY when you do that.” All the better not to receive unexpected Fathers Day cards. Dumping your load in her vag is even more dangerous than usual, once Baby Rabies has kicked in.

And it can happen to anyone – good girls, sluts, girls who swore they never wanted kids…anyone.

So be careful, or it won’t just be her calling you “DADDY!”