As men swallow the Pill and learn that girls actually get the gina tingles for strong dominant masculine figures, this often conflicts with years of indoctrination that he needs to do 'the right thing' and follow women's own advice to be nice and Just Be Yourself.

This advice that women give, while on the surface well-intentioned, is actually borne of the feminine imperative to maximise their own powers of selectivity over that of males. The advice encourages men to expose their 'true' alpha credentials, or lack thereof, so that the women can identify through behaviour which men to sexually pursue.

Don't conflate the Just Be Yourself trick with the idea of vulnerability. Vulnerability is the willingness to risk a woman's rejection through polarising women's opinions of you through brutal honesty. It's a display of genuine non-neediness, inherently an attractive trait, which shows a lower level of investment in the interaction with the woman than her's. However, Just Be Yourself encourages guys to unload all of their stories, baggage, and whining on the first date, killing any mystery and attraction that the woman may have felt.

Also, guys are often so exposed to stories told to them by their female friends about all the 'jerks' they've been with, that they assume that they're the unique one - that they're the one nice guy hero in a sea of jerks.

It's actually the other way around. The nice guy is one of millions in a sea of nice guys, and the few guys with genuine sexual options are the 'jerks'. They're usually not absolute 'jerks', but they do lean at the minimum a slight few more degrees than average to that side on the nice-jerk spectrum.

Therefore, it's worth noting that in present times, even a slight inclination of a few degrees towards the jerk end of the nice-jerk spectrum will be enough to induce a woman's interest.

I keep wrapping 'jerk' in inverted commas because what it actually represents is the concept of a man with an alpha mindset, whether learned or ingrained since puberty, whose masculine traits are optimised. He's confident in himself, he's aloof, he doesn't placate to others, he doesn't need a woman's validation, or indeed any validation. He's confident in his life mission, and he passes shit tests through having multiple genuine sexual options.

Girls flap their wings like angry hens at these stories of being treated poorly because they're constantly in a state of emotional flurry about these guys, in turn because of their attraction to these guys.

But these nice guys take their girl friends' stories at face value, when they should realise that these girls are subversively screaming how much attention they're paying to these so-called 'jerks', and therefore are totally wet for. Don't listen to a girl's words, listen to her behaviour. If she's spending time agonising about her roller coaster of emotions over a guy, that should scream to you her level of interest in him.

All the while, they tell nice guys how they wish their jerk boyfriends were nice like them. And it's from this validation that quite reasonably, though disastrously, the nice guys deduce that they must double down on their nice qualities to gain women's affections. They become more like women, and interact with women like other women do.

This is a grave mistake, as it completely destroys any amount of masculine-feminine polarity in the interaction between the nice guy and the women he meets and tries to attract. He tries to attract them with nice conversation, buying her drinks, and trying to negotiate her favours. This creates no tension at all, and makes her feel nothing for him. This leads to a string of inevitable friend-zone rejections.

As David Deida wrote in The Way of the Superior Man, there must be a masculine-feminine polarity for an inter-gender relationship to be enriching for both the man and the woman. Unlike attracts unlike. The more feminine the woman, the more masculine the man must be.

This is why the nice guy's strategy and graduation of his nice womanly qualities cause him all the more rejections and friend-zoning.

He has mostly female friends, he talks to women endlessly and gives them all of his attention. He gladly rearranges his entire schedule around women, and gives up all of his free time for them. His attention from a woman's perspective is therefore worthless. And attention is the coin of the realm for women when it comes to dating and sex.

The nice guy must break out of this cycle to gain his desired success with women, and it must come via a concerted effort to increase his masculinity.

  • He must immediately abandon all his female 'friends' and cease paying any attention to them. He can return to being their acquaintances after the transformation is in full swing, but initially he must make this step

  • He must hit the gym and start a lifting regime focussed on increasing his strength and muscle size. Even better if he can find a sport he enjoys too, which compliments the next item on our list

  • He must prioritise spending quality time with his male friends on a regular basis. If he has none, he must make an effort to make some, or reconnect with old school friends

  • He must spend a period of time in self-reflection on his insecurities and emotional health. Dr Robert Glover's No More Mr Nice Guy is the gold standard on male emotional health

Note that these all follow the common pattern of strong self-investment.

When ready, he must approach dating with a different mindset - one of genuine non-neediness. The only way he can achieve that is by having multiple sexual prospects at any one time.

You pass girls' shit tests by rejecting their power plays and showing you're not afraid of confrontation - you are more than happy to break up with one of your prospects because you intrinsically know you have value to other women too. This spreading out of your attention will also naturally increase your value to these women without deliberate effort.

Yes, cocky and funny, diverting, and all the other tactics work when passing shit tests, but at their core is the strong impenetrable level of non-neediness that we must all strive for.

Only with experience approaching women can you see this for yourself, and only with that experience of rejection can you see how little effect it actually has on you. And that's the way you will be able to completely call a woman's bluff and be completely okay with breaking up with her - it doesn't have to be overt, but she'll be able to sense it through your behaviour and demeanour, which you'll gain from your self-investment and non-neediness.

TL;DR: Like doesn't attract like, so don't act like a woman in your attempts to attract women. A man's masculinity is directly linked to his level of self-investment. Focus on your masculinity by lifting weights, prioritising time with your male friends, and pursuing your life goals.