Looking at this with the focus of self-improvement. I watched this video and its enough to make me quit, and I'm a dude who runs multiple porn subreddits.

Alright. So there has a been a lot of study on how porn affects the mind. The same goes for excess masturbation.

This is a 33 minute video that goes in-depth so I won't repeat everything it says. Heres some keynotes

  1. Porn + excess fapping = Lower testosterone. This was the biggest point to get from it for me.

  2. Porn is a leading cause of ED in men under 60.

  3. Sexual conditioning. Decreased sexual satisfaction during intercourse in the real world.

  4. Porn fetishes fade after quitting. You can be into some really weird shit and it goes away after you quit for only a few months. This guy is probably the most extreme example of it I've ever seen, he freaking turned gay and then turned straight again after stopping. -->

  5. More free time to improve yourself. Obvious.

There's more points and benefits if I kept going. What does TRP think about stuff like /r/pornfree and /r/nofap?