So here I am- just celebrating 10 years of marriage and... welp... marriage sucks sometimes. I was a big time blue pill. Swallowed it like it was mike and ikes.

But then it hit me. I was not happy. My life was full of stress. Work.. life.. everything. I am/was spending 99% of my time on others. My wife, kids, work, house etc. Rarely did I have any of my own time.

Slowly I started making some changes... but then I found the red pill.


I have now worked out daily.
Stopped apologizing to my wife for stupid things.
Set my boundaries.
Began telling my wife what I was going to do instead of asking.
Beat back her endless shit tests.
Stayed quiet while she wondered what was going on with me.

One funny example. My wife loses shit all the time. Keys, wallet, sunglasses, meds, clothes, shoes, makeup, glasses, contacts, etc etc etc. I am great at finding stuff. Level 9000 master ninja. I actually call myself The Great Finder. I am like the show (Finder) only better. But I did it because.. isn't that love? I literally spent up to 2 hours a day finding shit for her. No joke. (Yes that blue pill tastes good going down but turns bitter and gives you diarrhea.) So I told I was done finding stuff for her.

Today she brought it all up. I was making out with her and she stopped me. "I cant do this. I don't feel like we are connected. What is going on with you? etc etc etc."

I stayed quiet. Patient.

She figured it out.

1 minute later we are making out again. And we would have kept going- but KIDS!

I feel like the next few nights may be quite exciting.

This shit works for married dudes too. She is balking but also intrigued. She feels loved by all the stuff I would do for her. But now? I got bed early so I can actually get some sleep (she is notorious for staying up late). I get my shit done first. And she is slowly... slowly... loving it.

Good luck married dudes! I am off to go do stuff with my kids.